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[FelchingPisser] Daddy in the Sling


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Fort Erie, ON—August, 2013

My trip to Canada took me into the Niagara wine country after my night at Steamworks. I pitched my tent, napped, caught up on some reading, and let the night of debauchery be enough sex for a couple of days. By mid-week I was horned and in need. The local cruisy park had yielded no fun at all. I packed a lunch and went to spend the day at an older gay sauna which had a terrific sun deck on top of the building. By the time I arrived there, it was wet and rainy for the rest of the day.

There have been a number of improvements to the old building since a major chain had purchased it. The steam room was cleaner. I had forgotten they’d added a dry sauna. The rooms in general were neater now. Windows, which had been in many of the small rooms, were covered over. There were two porn lounges and a regular lounge. But best of all, a sling and slurp ramp had been added in what had once been a storage area. The issue was that very few men from upstate New York came to the sauna anymore. There was a time when men crossed the bridge to Canada in droves to get off away from home. Now, they found it harder to do so with the new border restrictions. I was the only one there as I checked in. I set rules for myself. I would watch a little porn, read my book and do a blog entry. I could still have a good time if no one showed up. But the book remained untouched and only half an entry got written…

I am in the steam room, sitting on the well-worn wooden bench, when I hear the door to the shower area bang shut. I listen for him to come in the steam room door, but the man spends a long time showering. I pull the rope hanging from the ceiling. Steam billows out from below the bench. I become invisible in the steam, and revel in the heat it is producing. Eventually the new customer pushes through the door and into the clouds of steam.

He almost sits on me, thanks to all the steam. He apologizes. He sits very close. Even then, I can’t really see him. It’s not until he stands up and pushes a thick, uncut cock into my face I can see him at all. He’s older than I, with grey hair in a military cut. His body once was defined and hard, though it’s softening now. He grabs my ears, tells me to “Suck it, boy” and pumps a load into my mouth within the first 6 strokes. He leaves for the showers. He spends a long time washing my saliva off his cock.

I let him leave before I shower. I dry off and watch a little porn. It’s a bare video, which surprises me. No one else has arrived. I get out the lap top, sit in the ‘real’ lounge by the entrance door and begin to type. The door buzzes. A married dad comes in. Well, a married dad with his kids just out of college. He’s shorter than me by a head. He looks very preppy in khaki’s and a wet windbreaker. He is clean shaven, with dark hair turning the classic grey at the temples. He heads for the locker area. I take the computer back to my room and head back to the steam room.

He’s there by the time I get back downstairs. He wastes no time going down on me. He’s good. He can’t get over my size. But he knows how to work a big dick. I return the favor on his much more average sized cock.

We break, sitting and talking as the steam disperses.

“Do you actually fuck guys with that?” he asks.

“All the time.”

“I’d love to try it, but I don’t think….”

“You know there’s a sling. It would help you relax, by letting you just float there.”

“I’ve never done that. But I love getting fucked by regular sized guys.”

“Come on….” I get up and head out to the showers, as if it’s all decided, that he’ll follow me to get fucked. And he does.

We walk into the sling room. A stolen road sign sits in the corner: Raised Manholes.

I get him into the sling. He likes how his suspended legs feel. When I start eating his ass, he starts babbling a string of sex talk. I finally stand up and fuck his face to shut him up.

I lick his ass a little more. I unroll a Magnum, at his request, and work my covered cock into his ass. “Oh, fuck that hurts.” I hold still. “Slowly.” I begin to withdraw. “Oh, man. Just take that God damned rubber off.” I do. I enter him. Easily. Smoothly. And it feels great for both of us. “Damn. I did it. I took that big cock of yours.” I am really pumping into him now. He starts talking nasty again.

But it’s not me who shuts him up. Other guys have arrived for the noon hour. The first one in is a guy who I guess is just touching 40. He’s fit, blond and judging from a sizable, curved erection, he likes what he sees in the sling room. He pushes past me and sticks his dick in the Dad’s mouth. At almost the same moment, I feel a hand reach under me and feel up my balls. Then the unknown man feels the base of my cock. “You’re fucking him raw,” he whispers in my ear. I turn enough to see a much younger guy. Maybe late 20’s. Maybe from somewhere in the Mediterranean from the look of his olive skin and shiny black hair. I nod. He presses his very hairy chest against my back. His fingers are on my nipples. I can feel his hardening cock in my ass crack.

“You want to fuck him?” I ask.

He nods. The Dad grunts a yes around the curved dick, and the Greek enters him. The Curve turns to me. We kiss. And we can’t stop. Our tongues battle. I feel a hand on my ass again. It’s the Greek. He pulls out of Dad.

“Who wants him next?”

I look to the Curve. I think he really wants to, but says “no.” I slip back up Dad. The Greek brings his cock to Dad’s mouth. The Curve moves behind me. I wait for his hand on my ass—but I get his tongue. It’s awkward, as I’m thrusting, but I let him lick me as best he can. Finally, I lean forward— onto the Dad— and let the Curve’s tongue invade my ass. At the same time, the Greek pulls out of Dad’s mouth the thrust’s his thick uncut dick in my mouth.

It’s too much attention for the Dad, he starts thrusting his cock against my abs. He groans and shoots, underneath me, coating my stomach. I reluctantly stand up and pull out. The Greek grabs his cock, jerks it furiously and shoot across the Dad’s chest.

The Curve stands up and kisses me again. Now he tastes like my ass. I turn around and hold onto him. Tight. We kiss—all the while the spent men head for the showers.

“I really need to taste your ass,” I tell the Curve. He nods. “Get in the sling.”

He does. I kneel and lick down his crack. I find his pucker and push in. He groans. And tells me to eat him out. I lick and drill. I stand up and lean across him to kiss him. He sucks my tongue hungrily. I go back to his hole.

He can’t stay still. He bucks against my face. “Please,” he pants. “Let me eat you.”

I get back in the sling.

He eats my ass for what seems like hours.

He stands up, leans across me and kisses me. As our tongues connect, I can feel his cum gush over my cock and down my crack.

“Clean that up,” I tell him.


He does.

“Now kiss me…”

He does that, too.


I play with a few other new arrivals in the next hour.

I take a break and lie on my bed, leaving the door to the room open.

The Curve is suddenly there.

“Get on the bed,” I tell him. “No, not on your back—on all fours.”

He does.

I kneel, pull his hairy cheeks apart and bury my entire face in his ass


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