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This isn't really a question about bare backing per say, but I'm sure some one on these forums can point me in the right direction. As a bottom, I find myself doing poppers more frequently these days, and have been using stronger brands than when I started. I also try to run 3 times a week, and to other cardio exercise on my off days.

Does poppers have any long term effect on the cardiovascular system? I know, for example, I wouldn't consider smoking and running, and wondering if doing poppers is equivalent to that, and I should try to wean myself off them.

Any ideas, boys?

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Poppers are pretty short acting and the main risk is if you've already got high blood pressure or are using viagra, when they can destabilise the rhythm of the heart (if I've got this wrong, please someone, correct me). I've been using poppers for over 30 years and the worst side-effect I've had from them is a bad headache when they've been a bit off. I was in hospital last year and one of the worries was that I might be heading for a heart attack because of lowered concentrations of potassium in my blood. It didn't happen... (This is just my experience and isn't a substitute for proper medical advice)

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This isn't really a question about bare backing per say, but I'm sure some one on these forums can point me in the right direction. As a bottom, I find myself doing poppers more frequently these days, and have been using stronger brands than when I started. I also try to run 3 times a week, and to other cardio exercise on my off days.

Does poppers have any long term effect on the cardiovascular system? I know, for example, I wouldn't consider smoking and running, and wondering if doing poppers is equivalent to that, and I should try to wean myself off them.

Any ideas, boys?

Not to my knowledge. Im a regular gym goer (im also asthmatic as well) and also a heavy user of poppers as well and have no problems with them. However I have noticed temporary issues with my eyesight after heavy use of poppers which hasn't happened before. I read somewhere that can happen. So I have decided to ease off my use of them. I value my eyesight a lot. Also when I am being a top and using toppers do no favours maintaining a hard on.

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My experience has been that you've got to be very sure of your hardon if you're using poppers when topping. If you can use amyl nitrite poppers rather than butyl or isobutyl nitrite poppers - my last lot of amyl came from Canade via one of the East European countries. And if you're using viagra or similar, take it easy on the poppers...

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