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Magnetic couples, bottoming and BB.

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Hi there!

I'm new to this website and reach out for you to have some information, or should i say some testimonies.

Already got a few here, but would like to have some more in order to know a little more where i am stepping in.

Here I go : I'am a 27 y.o man and have been in a relationship for 2 years or more now with my partner who is 36 y.o and who is POZ ( UD VC, he has been on meds for 11 months now : Atripla).

HERE IS MY QUESTION : are some of you in a magnectic couple and fuck RAW ? I am the bottom of this couple, so in a risky position. ARE YOU BOTTOMING BB in your magnectic couple? For how long have you been? ARE YOU STILL NEG?

PLease, answers to this situation would be great, as I would like to base our decision on facts and testImonies and could stop freaking out everytime my man put his raw dick in my hole ( because we did try it during the last months).

Edited by lioilk
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If his viral load is undetectable, that's at least as good as using condoms (remember condoms still aren't foolproof: there may be a tiny hole in one, or it may split, or come off inside you). I tend to the position that the most cautious guy sets the limits. Basically it's the other side of the PrEP coin: instead of the negative guy medicating, the positive guy is taking the drugs: treatment as protection.

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