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[Defiant Barebacker] Focus


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Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

As the AIDS/Lifecycle approaches next month I find myself totally consumed by training, fund raising, and work. I barely get anything else done. Of course, this also means that sex is a dormant subject at this moment.

This is fine actually. In my training I am meeting tons of cool people, making friends, getting in my mileage (up to 82 so far, but expect to do my first century this Sunday), and learning a lot about myself, my bike, and nutrition. This could not be more therapeutic.

I also find that I am changing inside. I am not sure I can put words to it right now, but I do sense that I am becoming someone else. I am not in my teens. I am not in my 20s. Indeed, if I am honest, I am not in my 30s. However, I feel some of the same movement in my life that I did when I was much younger. Perhaps I am coming to terms with some loose threads in my world.

Does this mean no more bareback? Can't say for sure, but right now the rule still stands. No condoms. NONE! What is different is my willingness to hook up on a moments notice with just about any hot guy appears to be on hold. We will see if this lasts.

Since last October I would have to say my whole world has shifted. While there are some things that appear uncertain (were they really all that certain before I tested positive?) I have this sense that things have only changed for the better. At work, inside my head, at home. All of it is better and much improved.

Excuse me while I go ride my bike for a while...5659550056261962395-3353667020432139827?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


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