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[FelchingPisser] Loaded


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The Playroom—September, 2013

Juan has appeared in these posts frequently. We have played at sex parties in Chicago. He also loves to go to the bathhouse with me where we go our separate ways—but will find me once he’s been loaded so he can sit on my face. I have joined Juan and his boyfriend at the gay campground in Michigan. Juan went with me to Cum-Union on my first visit. He has also dropped by the playroom—as I live halfway between where he lives in Chicago and a yearly business meeting Juan attends in Cleveland. (Hit Juan in the label cloud.)

At the end of September, Juan asked if he could break up his trip between the two cities with trying out the new fuck bench…

Juan is upstairs undressing. I grab the water I came downstairs for and head right back up. And there he is—spread and ready.


I kneel behind him. My tongue goes right into his hole. Juan moans and tells me to eat him out. He tells me how good my beard feels on his hole. He tells me to fuck him hard. He groans again. My cock is hard. It’s not just that I have my tongue in him, my mind keeps playing over things we’ve done in the past. I think about him sitting on my face—unleashing a ******* of semen he’d collected from the men in the bathhouse. I think about watching a married guy load him with his frozen loads—loads he had me push in with my dick since the married man would never cheat on his wife. I think about watching Juan bend over a picnic table and take on any man who came along—all for my felching pleasure.

I stand up. My cock is perfectly aligned with his wet hole. The head disappears with just the tiniest push forward. It’s my turn to groan as he squeezes down on me. I press more. I sink all the way in.


Juan huffs some poppers. I pull slightly out and snap a picture. I put the camera down and begin a fuck that goes from slow to rocking the fuck bench. Juan is clamping down on my cock on every other stroke. I slow down and slowly pull out. And some cum comes with it. It’s not mine.


“You had a load…?”

“I stopped in Indiana on the way here, in Gary. This older Black guy fucked one into me in no time.”

“Fuck!” I kneel and taste the donation made by some daddy I’ll never know. It’s thick and sweet. My tongue goes into him farther, scooping out the load I’ve started to pull out. I spit some on the outside of his hole, and push it back in with my cock. It’s my turn to groan. I fuck, my balls slapping against him.

“Wanna taste his load?” I bring my cum-covered cock up to his mouth. Juan cleans it eagerly.

“Sling time,” I tell him. I want to watch his face as I fuck. Juan hops in the sling all by himself. I go back downstairs and arrive with a tub from the freezer. “I have three loads for you myself,” I tell him. “It’s all I’ve had time to jerk out since you told me you were coming this way.”

Juan smiles and I hand him the condom I’ve collected them in.


I push it into him with my finger just past the sphincter. Then my cock takes it deep into his gut. I love the cool of the melting cum. I can feel it go from solid to liquid and coat my cock. It makes Juan’s hole even smoother and wetter. We both love it.

“You want to eat some?”

I nod. And get under the rimseat. Juan sits slowly. I love looking up past the hairy legs up to that perfect ass. He fills the seat, his hole is pressed right on my mouth. The seat spreads his hole for even easier access. I worm in. I am rewarded instantly with a drop of the mixed loads on my tongue. I grunt and swallow. I probe deeper. There’s a little more there. Juan grunts and opens. I have a steady drip of cum into my mouth.

Juan stands up. I wasn’t done. I wanted more. Before I can say anything, he sits on my cock. I’m still under the seat and can’t see him that well, but I can feel his silky ass clamp down on my dick. He rides me, driving himself down onto my thick shaft.

“Here,” Juan says as he gets up. “You should get some more now.” He settles back down on the rimseat. He’s right. My flared cock head has pulled more cum within my tongue’s reach. I get several drops instantly. And then another mini flood.

It’s too much. I tap Juan’s thighs—the signal for him to get up.

“Bench!” is all I can get out.

He hops on as I struggle up. I make it. Just. I get my cock into his ass before I explode. I pump the fifth load into him. I fall onto his back, spent and happy.


Several hours later I got a text after Juan arrived at his destination. “Found a hot guy who loved fucking in the remnants of all those loads. Thanks.”


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