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should I do it?


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Guest JizzDumpWI

PrEP is FDA approved for prevention. We are way past the research stage. Check with an infectious disease doc there in Boston.

many of us have taken poz loads and remained neg. But now we have additional prevention options.

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thanks guys for the feedback; I'd consider getting on prep but a lot of obstacles - right now the only way to get it is to be in a research study (I've asked at a local STD clinic where I get tested if they could prescribe and was told they are not allowed)

STD clinics can't prescribe PrEP because the drug requires regular blood work to monitor for possible kidney harm and they don't do that kind of thing. It doesn't require you to be part of a study.

Ask your regular doctor. I just recently went on PrEP and am not part of a study and it was not a hassle. You just need to have an informed doctor which I suspect you can find where your profile says you live.

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Look, I get it "as far as this site and the various guys that are on it are concerned." It's about promoting getting seeded, having unsafe unprotected bareback sex etc. The thing that baffles me is that, yeah there's "better treatments, medications, therapies" etc. But they don't all work on EVERYBODY and they aren't cures. I'm not even trying to promote "fear or scare tactics" as (versgeek) is portraying. I'm trying to get guys that aren't already infected that are doing things that could put them at risk to see the other side of the spectrum. Especially from my own personal experience as I've typed before. I just don't think having raw sex with unknown people just because it feels better in the end is worth taking a pill and such for the rest of your life to stay alive. I think this whole thing with sex goes so much deeper than many realize concerning society and what's glamorized.

I'm not even against bareback sex, if you and your partner know each other's status whether negative or positive. It's the carefree attitude that "I'm gonna have as much sex with as many people as possible and MAYBE consider the consequences later. There's so much more damage that's being done with that mode of thinking than most realize. With that, it's just a matter of time until there's a super strain that's harder to treat, more aggressive, and leaves a physical reminder of the 80's and 90's rampantly of what it does to you like it did then. But it's your choice, I'm just a voice of reason.

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Yeah? Well just remember that when you're on your deathbed and wanting death for mercy in suffering. It's not a scare "tactic" it's the ultimate reality of the situation. I seriously doubt those who are ill stricken and feel like shit from head to toe as well as being doped up to the point of not knowing what's going on or whose around them are thinking of the (hot times) and how it felt at the moment they're breathing their last. Yes, we all die. Doesn't mean you gotta bring it on by being foolish or ignorant concerning your health and wellbeing.

I think we can both agree it's a choice. But I know from experience, I'm not about to take what I have now for granted and that's a second chance.

I agree with you in theory but heres my issue, and feel honestly feel free to search and read through my posts, because I do some work in public health and am mostly the "voice of reason" on this board.

If the guy is going to have unportected sex, An undetectable guy is MUCH lower risk than many other people. I'd rather him sleep with an undetectable guy than someone who only gets tested sporadically, and still fucks around without protection.

Heres a good case in point. A good friend of mine last year tested positive. He was almost always safe, and said he would never fuck with a poz guy and would always ask status before hand. Didnt work. For myself, I personally have no problems sleeping with a poz guy on meds and undetectable. Sure often I would use condoms, but still. Serosorting alone doesnt work because the STD/HIV testing gaps for most people are far too wide. For me, Im on PrEP now, which is more effective when taken correctly than condoms, so sleeping with poz guys is really no issue at all. .

Heres something I asked thebody.org about guys on PrEP.


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Look, I get it "as far as this site and the various guys that are on it are concerned." It's about promoting getting seeded, having unsafe unprotected bareback sex etc. The thing that baffles me is that, yeah there's "better treatments, medications, therapies" etc. But they don't all work on EVERYBODY and they aren't cures. I'm not even trying to promote "fear or scare tactics" as (versgeek) is portraying. I'm trying to get guys that aren't already infected that are doing things that could put them at risk to see the other side of the spectrum. Especially from my own personal experience as I've typed before. I just don't think having raw sex with unknown people just because it feels better in the end is worth taking a pill and such for the rest of your life to stay alive. I think this whole thing with sex goes so much deeper than many realize concerning society and what's glamorized.

I'm not even against bareback sex, if you and your partner know each other's status whether negative or positive. It's the carefree attitude that "I'm gonna have as much sex with as many people as possible and MAYBE consider the consequences later. There's so much more damage that's being done with that mode of thinking than most realize. With that, it's just a matter of time until there's a super strain that's harder to treat, more aggressive, and leaves a physical reminder of the 80's and 90's rampantly of what it does to you like it did then. But it's your choice, I'm just a voice of reason.

I think you look into this site a bit too much. IMO a lot of what goes on in here is fantasy. Also sex is different to each person so its not fair to use your viewpoint as a basis for everyone else.

Your second part is kind of what I addressed in my previous post. Its VERY difficult to accurately serosort, so using that as your "protection" method alone is silly. Heres my big issue. Condoms alone dont work, people dont use them often and consistently enough. The usage rate stays around 50% Have a frank discussion with anyone in public health and they will tell you they have little hope of increasing that number.

So heres the scenario you are left with. People are going to continue having sex at the same rate, and continue to use condoms at the same rate. And the question is how do you stop or slow infection rates.

IMO its this, 1) frequent testing. Every sexually active gay man IMO should be tested or HIV every three months, no exceptions. 2) all people infected should go on treatment right away. 3) negative men at any risk should be on PrEP. IMO this would almost eliminate new HIV infections, even for people having unprotected sex.

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IMO its this, 1) frequent testing. Every sexually active gay man IMO should be tested or HIV every three months, no exceptions. 2) all people infected should go on treatment right away. 3) negative men at any risk should be on PrEP. IMO this would almost eliminate new HIV infections, even for people having unprotected sex.

I've lived with HIV since 1980. Politically I suppose I'm a mixture of socialist and green. I believe in the right of the individual to determine their own fate, but do not believe that the actions of others should endanger anyone, which is why I'm solidly behind the vaccination of kids for measles/mumps/rubella which has caused such a stink in the UK these past few years. And in this instance I think the 'slut has hit the nail right on the head.

It's expensive and imperfect, but with the combination of Treatment as Protection (TasP) and PrEP we can get rid of HIV. It's going to take a massive community action to do it, but we've got this far haven't we? I was supposed to be dead by 1993...

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Look, I get it "as far as this site and the various guys that are on it are concerned." It's about promoting getting seeded, having unsafe unprotected bareback sex etc. The thing that baffles me is that, yeah there's "better treatments, medications, therapies" etc. But they don't all work on EVERYBODY and they aren't cures. I'm not even trying to promote "fear or scare tactics" as (versgeek) is portraying. I'm trying to get guys that aren't already infected that are doing things that could put them at risk to see the other side of the spectrum. Especially from my own personal experience as I've typed before. I just don't think having raw sex with unknown people just because it feels better in the end is worth taking a pill and such for the rest of your life to stay alive. I think this whole thing with sex goes so much deeper than many realize concerning society and what's glamorized.

I'm not even against bareback sex, if you and your partner know each other's status whether negative or positive. It's the carefree attitude that "I'm gonna have as much sex with as many people as possible and MAYBE consider the consequences later. There's so much more damage that's being done with that mode of thinking than most realize. With that, it's just a matter of time until there's a super strain that's harder to treat, more aggressive, and leaves a physical reminder of the 80's and 90's rampantly of what it does to you like it did then. But it's your choice, I'm just a voice of reason.

I'm kind of at a loss for words here. You haven't listened to a word anybody has said.

You are anything but a voice of reason. You're uninformed and arrogant about it, which is an extremely harmful combo.

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