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[Sperm Pig] The Birds & Bees


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I vividly remember the first time I saw my dad cum.

I was in 2nd grade, so I must have been about 7 years old. I know it was second grade, because after this I knew more about sex and how it worked than anyone else and was king shit on the playground for a month or two.

It was in the spring, and my dad was working in the garage one nice weekend. He was “tinkering with his car”, as I recall. He wasn’t very mechanically inclined, but he did do some basic maintenance. I don’t know where mom was, but she wasn’t around… probably grocery shopping or something.

We had a sailboat, and it was still in the other garage stall. I used to like to play in it and pretend I was going on voyages, etc. Well, I had snuck into the boat and was hiding in it, planning on jumping out and scaring my dad when he came back to work on the car.

He eventually re-entered the garage and was up at the front of his car, hood open, messing around. I could hear him banging around some, and I stayed hidden in the boat.

Then it got kinda quiet in the garage. I heard dad shuffling around some, then I heard his pants unzip. And that’s when I heard it. A light, rhythmic “shhhhhhing” sound. This got me curious, so I peeked above the side of the boat.

I saw my dad standing at the front of his car, pants undone and half pulled down, ass on the grill, with his hand stroking his penis. My breath caught in my chest. As open as my family was with nudity and stuff, I knew that this was somehow different. But I couldn’t stop watching.

His eyes were half closed as he fisted his erect cock, and his legs were locked and flexing. Now, I’d seen his erection before during “bathtime”, but never like this. And never being touched in this manner.

I heard his breath start to quicken, and watched as his body began to shudder involuntarily. Which is when I saw the white fluid spurt from the end of his cock and into the waiting oil rag in his other hand. It sure didn’t look like pee. His hand slowed down and eventually stopped, and he used the rag to collect the last bits from his dick. Then he put the rag on the engine, pulled up his pants, and zipped up with a sigh.

I ducked back down in the boat quietly, where I knew I would now have to stay until dad left the garage and went back to the house. Thankfully it didn’t take long— maybe 5 minutes— and he went inside.

I quickly got out of the boat, and nonchalantly walked to the front of the car. I was curious about the white pee in the rag. I found the rag and opened it up. And there before my eyes was the first cumload I’d ever seen in person. It was thick and pearlescent and looked like snot. “Why did dad’s penis shoot snot out when he played with it… is he sick?” I remember I wondered.

I was still looking at it when I heard my father clear his throat behind me. I froze.

“What are you doing?” he asked abruptly.

“Um, nothing. I was just gonna help you fix the car… if you wanted.” Yeah. Right.

His eyes bore into mine. “Were you watching me?” he asked.

“No.” I answered a little too quickly.

He knew I was lying, of course. He could always tell. “You don’t have to lie to me. It’s okay if you were. So… what did you see?”

And because I could never keep a lie going with him, especially under his knowing gaze, I spilled everything. How I had watched him rub his penis and how snot came out and was he not feeling well? Everything.

He chuckled at me. “No, it isn’t snot. It’s called semen. And it is a natural function of the man’s penis. But it only happens after you go through puberty, which won’t be for several years. It’s part of how babies are made.”

And then he proceeded to tell me an abbreviated version of the birds and the bees talk. I told him that from the other kids at school, I had gathered that the boy put his penis somewhere in the girl and peed. Then a baby grew. My father corrected my knowledge and I added words like sperm and vagina. But I was still puzzled.

“But… you weren’t making a baby.” I said.

“No. The same fluid comes out when a man has sex with a woman. But sometimes, guys secretly make the fluid come out all by themselves just because it feels really good. And this is called masturbation.” he explained.

“It feels good?” I asked.

“Oh yeah. Most guys secretly do this every day— sometimes even a couple times a day. But always in private. It’s not something you really do in front of others. I never would have done it in front of you had I known you were watching.” he said. “So we shouldn’t ever tell anyone. Especially mom, ok? She isn’t a guy like us, so she wouldn’t understand. Besides, it won’t be long before you start masturbating in private too.”

I agreed to keep our little secret, and I didn’t see my father masturbate again for another seven years or so. But that time, and many times afterward, we masturbated together.


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