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[Rubbermutt] Hello again my felllow pervs...


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I have been so busy sense arriving in "The City of Brotherly Love" that I have not has time to give you guys what you need and crave...Just give me a few more days and I promise that I will post a shit load of things here for you to shoot your wad over...so be patient just a few more days and I never did get with boybrock from Quakertown...YET. I'm hoppeing that he wil get to fill my ass with some of his seed on Wednesday...if not it will definatly be b4 the end of the year. The first of the year will be spent at Sansom Street Gym...FOR SURE so look for me there. I will post my banner here as soon as I can for more information.

Til my next post...Happy pozzing or stelthing...whichever you do best...


Til my next post, Happy pozzing or stealthing...which ever you do best... Mutt1563389452096815092-1733488807176088230?l=rubbermutt.blogspot.com





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