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[FelchingPisser] Missing In Action and Off to IML

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I know. I haven’t written for a week.

I have been doing a lot of writing for work. Sometimes that makes me want to write for the blog even more. Other times, like this one, all that other writing made me do anything that didn’t involve putting my fingers on a keyboard.

Last night I was finally ready to write. Instead I ended up fucking. I’m afraid that a hook up always trumps writing about an earlier one.


By the end of this week I will be at IML. My roommate has changed. I was to go once again with the gangbang bottom from Cleveland, but he had to cancel. We transferred the hotel reservation to my name and I began sniffing around for a roommate. This pig rooted out a truffle with the first man I asked. The Muscle Hole from Columbus thought it was a great idea. Not only could we play anytime we wanted, but I’d told him once that I would love to eat another man’s load out of his ass. We will be inviting others to make that scenario a reality. Our interests are different enough that we will both go our separate ways on occasion— me to the big piss party while he goes off to find hand obsessed men at the MAFIA parties. And I really like him. It should be a great weekend.

Once again I will be posting a daily play by play of my adventures as I did last year and, more recently, at CLAW. I have a few things on the books for IML. I don’t want to jinx things so I will only say I think I have another date with Bad Seed Media…



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