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[FelchingPisser] IML--Sunday Late Night. Back to the Orgy

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Chicago—May, 2014

We went out to dinner with Rob and Brice. It was good just to get out of the hotel. When we got back to the room Marco talked about his evening’s play possibilities, but as he sat there, all the sex before our five-way and then our play (not to mention his over stretched hole) was making him reconsider. He encouraged me to go have fun. Bed was sounding good to him.

I wrote a little on here, and then got dressed in my leathers. I was not going to go through the hassle of online trolling. I would just go back up to the top floor and go back to the last party hosted by the kink site.

The energy in the packed elevator is high. I ask the hot, half dressed man by the control panel to hit 46. This gets a vocal response—a high squeal of knowing pleasure. They all seem to know why I want to go to the top floor. Many ride all the way up with me, as we’ve learned it’s the only way to move around between the floors. I exit, hearing a giggled “Did you see that bulge on him?” as the doors shut behind me and they descend to their destinations.

The dim main room has been re-arranged. All three slings are now in a row. The dark bedroom, where all the action happened on Friday, is closed. There is just the one area in which to play. There are more people here—easily 50. One sling has a line at it. I go over. There is Ryan, the porn star, getting fucked with a stroking crowd. I join the strokers. The man fucking him finishes up. No one makes a move to go next. I step up.

“Hey, Big Guy,” Ryan greets me.

I slide into his jizzed out butt. It is so slick that I can barely feel the walls of his ass. But it still feels great. And the men watching seem to like it. The plastic on the floor is so slick, that I feel like I can’t get any traction. I finally pull out. I help Ryan up. “I’m so glad we got you on tape,” he tells me. He hugs me. He goes to bend over on the ottoman and I go explore the far corner where there’s a crowd.

The crowd is gathered around a circular table. On Friday there were snacks on the table. Tonight, men are leaning on it and getting fucked. I worm my way into the corner behind it. I’m right behind an attractive sliver daddy. He leans over waiting patiently for some cock. He watches two African Americans rutting to his right. I kneel behind him and start tonguing his crack. He bends more, allowing me better access. I lick and spit. I think I’ll be his first fuck of the night. I stand up and push in. He clutches at the table. But he opens up fast and I’m fucking at full force in no time. The black stud to my right watches me fuck. Our eyes meet.

“You want to switch?” I ask.

“Fuck, yeah.”

We move around. He fucks into the Daddy and I slide into the young Black boy. Both fuckees turn slightly to see who is attached to the new dick in them. We fuck awhile like this and then switch back to our original bottoms. Another couple is leaning on the table directly across from us. A fourth guy is manhandled to the table just beyond the Black couple. I look again---it’s Ginger Tats getting fucked. It’s a great lazy Susan of fucking.

A party helper comes over and tells us we can’t use the glass topped table for this. We stop. Ginger finds me. I continue fucking him, with Ginger kneeling in one of the dining chairs.

In the next few hours I fuck:

A long-haired hippie type in a leather Western duster.


A mouthy guy in a great leather harness.


A very young man who has a slightly older Boy Friend whoring him out.

A veteran with an amputated arm.


A pushy Latino boy who won’t let me finish the man I’m in.

A man I know from Michigan.


And I eat the ass of the most beautiful young man I’ve seen this weekend.

There are also three men who were not prepared for big dick…that make me race for the one bathroom to which we have access.

The officious party host has another announcement. “Listen up,” he shrills. “We found a cell phone. Claim it right now or we are calling your Mother and telling her what you are doing!”

I need to get off and go home. But I can’t find Ryan or Ginger. I find a nice enough alternative. He is young and dark, with a beautifully thick hair pattern on his legs. I fuck, but he’s not taking me easily. The constant parade of tourists are getting to me. They aren’t having sex but are just gawking. The boy pulls off me, apologizes and I suddenly am overwhelmed with the noise and press of bodies.

I want out.


I slink back to my room.

Marco is asleep. He rouses enough to ask me how it was, but he’s really still asleep.

I strip out of my leathers.

I wash up.

I crawl into the bed.

The heat from Marco feels welcoming.

My arms wrap around him. Chest to back. Cock to ass.

He makes the tiniest noise of contentment.

I make a bigger one and close my eyes.


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