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[Pussy Boi] School Year Finally Over


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First and foremost, I want to thank all of you who left me notes, sent me messages and checked in on me over the course of the last three months. I genuinely appreciate it. I am more than just fine - I am relieved beyond words to have this semester behind me. I am finally on summer break as of today and felt compelled to update my blog (finally!) and make sure that each of you knew I was healthy, safe, happy and slutty as ever.

So what the fuck have I been doing the last 3 months you probably are asking? Where to begin...

1) School. Absolutely killed me. Had a full load, was taking two extremely challenging math classes (Stats 320 and Business Calculus 258) that sucked the life out of me, had a philosophy course that had more reading involved that I bargained for, had a business ethics class with a professor I would prefer he took a shit and fell back in it, and had a creative writing class I had to take that was fucking retarded yet also made me wish I was doing anything else. Anyways, school took up ALOT of my time. I am paying for this shit myself, so am not about wasting my own money on something so committed to putting a lot of effort in. Not sure of the results, but thinking I pulled like a 3.1 or 3.2.

2) Roommates. In the winter, I moved in with three guys from school. Been a ton of fun. Although, I don't get any privacy, there are people at our place pretty much 24/7 (girlfriends, friends, randoms), and they like to party. The result is me getting pulled into hanging out with them during my free time. Been totally awesome and have made some excellent friends, but it fills practically all my free time.

3) Internship. Yes, beyond classes, homework, reading, papers, tests, study groups and then my social calendar with my friends, I also have been doing an internship at a local business as part of my degree. Am getting school credit to do it. I prefer to not say exactly where it is, but work 15 hours/week here which has been a real test on my time management skills.

4) Cock. I know this is all you really care about. Don't worry, I've been a good slut and been whoring out like mad on the side. Have found myself a good number of regulars around here. I continue to encourage them all to tell their friends. That has worked great and found just in the last few weeks I had like 10 new guys I met that were friends of friends that needed to nut. I aim to please and have a great base to start from for next school year.

Because I have been so bad at keeping this blog up to date, I am having a hard time knowing where to start back off. My goal is to blog weekly over the summer and keep an account of the cock and loads I get. Will do my best to keep that commitment and would just ask for your patience as I live my life. My deepest thanks for your understanding and positive thoughts. Oh...and for those weirdos that send really mean messages (you know who you are) - go fuck yourself. I feel sorry for you. Go tell it to somebody who gives a flying rats shit about what you think. If you think I give it a second thought, then you thought wrong.

Peace everyone,



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