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[Cum Craver] Popping Anonymous #4's Question


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To see Cum Craver's original blog post click here

This posting comes to you courtesy of my Ask Cum Craver Anything series.

Okay, well sort not really popping the questions but it does relate to poppers.

Here's his comment -

"Hey buddy...great blog! I too am a cum craving bottom. Especially love that you love to get fucked while sniffing poppers. Best way to go. Question, what's your favorit brand? I was digging Locker Room for awhile but the bottle always runs empty way to quick. I understand everyone has different reactions, but I'm looking for something in which the high is good, bottle last, and doesn't give you that dreaded poppers headache. Let me know. Thanks!"

Thanks for the comment Anonymous #4 and the compliments.

Personally I dig Jungle Juice Black Label. It's a tad more expensive but definitely worth it. I almost always buy my poppers and other gear from Fort Troff . I find their prices extremely reasonable and their customer service is top notch as well as their shipping/delivery times. Back to the poppers though. I have found that you need to keep them in the fridge, or even better, the freezer. I find that they give me a good high and last a while. However, when they do start to turn rancid (I guess rancid would be appropriate here) I notice they give me a pretty pounding, yet brief, headache.


I'm not sure if I build up a tolerance to them but I have learned to switch to a back-up brand if I'm hitting the JJ too hard for too long. Of course if I'm in a group setting I like to try everyone else's poppers. That way I can try before I buy if it's a brand I've never partaken. Definitely get some JJ Black Label and try them out. If they don't work for ya send 'em my way.

Speaking of poppers I need to go get a new bottle. Juan is coming to visit me for the weekend and if we're gonna fuck as much as I'm hoping then we're gonna need them.

Here's a pic of me taking Chaz's dick back in February. It's saved on my computer as "Poppers does a body good"




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