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[Gruntraq] Changes, Changes, Changes


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Man what a weekend. I flew down to Phoenix to meet with the division people I will be working with when I transfer down there soon. Glad to say that after armageddon has wiped through the building industry in the past couple years that some of my old friends are still with the company down there. It has been a brutal time for construction and anyone who still has a job that had it three years ago needs to sit down and thank God. It will be cool to make a move knowing I have people I know and have my back in the company there.

And though AZ has gotten a bum rap lately for being racist, bigot, rednecks, blah blah blah……the reality is that the division of my company down there is a lot more conducive to openly gay employees than is my division here in California. When I worked down there before I never had to shield my private life as much as I do here to keep the evil eyes of the main office off me. And honestly I like the breed of men down there in the desert too. They’re just different.

On that front I also got the blessed chance to meet up with some of my old buddies in Phoenix as well. After looking at apartments all day on Friday I looked up a partnered couple I’ve known for a long long time. We’ll will call them D & D. When I called up D1 answered. I played coy for a minute and when he discovered who it was he got all agush. When I told him I was in town I felt his spit over the phone. Long story short I was invited over for dinner and spent the night there catching up with them over a bottle of Hennessey and way too much of something else I can’t remember.

After getting good and trashed we lost our clothes and got funky for a while. D & D are in their late 30’s and are both very handsome versatile guys. We played hard and I ended up spending the night. And come Saturday night I stayed there again, moved out of my hotel room that day. It was like I never left. They were so glad to see me that it actually made me so glad to be coming back to town. Moving to a whole new place can be hard, but having brothers in arms makes it so much easier. I am sure I will have the opportunity to talk more about these buds again, but it meant a lot to me to catch up and rekindle our friendship. It was an unexpected but hoped for deal.

On the business end, I locked in a decent place to live, got home alive - meaning no plane crash. So all is good on that front. Now I gotta pack shit up and get rid of a lot of clutter here. Moving from a house with a big garage to an apartment sucks logistically. Hopefully the apartment will be temporary as houses are cheap as fuck down there in Phoenix compared to NorCal.

My brother who has been living with me now with some fringe benefits has chosen to stay here in NorCal. He has his reasons and it is really for the best. He just got a job not quite a month ago and had been unemployed for several months. So he doesn’t want to risk it. Can’t blame him. The other side of it is that he has been getting a guilt complex about us fucking. Not sure whether his hang up is over being gay or whether it is being gay with his brother. We still have a close and loving connection as brothers but he has gotten over his sexual appetite as far as the two of us are concerned.

As I wrote before here, that is about how I expected it would go. And for him, I am all for what ever makes him whole inside above and beyond what hole he has I want to get inside. I think I seduced him and wooed him into a fantasy world for a while after essentially getting the boot from his ex-wife. I know I was a rebound thing but as long as he wanted to get hot and sweaty with me, I wasn’t gonna say no. Gonna miss his nice tight ass tho.

Now I will get back to posting some filthy dirty smut to jack off too. I know that is a lot more fun!620619944028412509-4489603695442246923?l=gruntraq.blogspot.com


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