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[Life In The Raw] Daddy Issues


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"I'm old enough to have been your father"

"Kid, I'm twice your age."

"Not sure if you want to get with a man as old as me."

All of these phrases are things I hear from men that I come on to either online or out in the real world. These men for some reason are lead to believe that age makes them less desirable. That if I know how old they are, I wont want them.

I love older men. I love men bigger and stronger than myself. But I love fucking them, using every ounce of my youthful vigor to please them, make them moan, make them cum. Be it my tongue, dick, or fists, I love making a older man feel pleasure.

All for that moment, when they look at me and say thanks. When I know I did a good job, when I know I served my purpose at that moment.

My friends have guessed that my love and hunger for older men stems from my relationship with my father. yes actually. But not in the way they guess, they guess that he was an uncaring, cold, emotionally distant parent that I could never please no matter what I did. Nope. That was my mother.

My father was the one who loved me, the one who saw how hard I tried in school, who came to my marching band and symphonic band performances(yes I was in band, a drummer). He found out that I was gay and nothing changed between us, except him telling my mom to stop with her religion fueled anti gay sentiments. He always talked about how proud he was of me. A then, one day... he was taken away from me, at the age of 18 my father passed away, and I was alone.

It wasn't fair. I thought. I still needed him.

That is why I seek older men out, that is what I want from them.

I want to be with an older man emotionally, to be loved, to be a source of pride, love, and happiness to him. I'm not looking for a father, just guidance and love that was taken from me almost ten years ago.

There is also so much to learn from older men,

and there is a calm around them that I just dont reall feel with guys my own age.

Anyway, that is my sad tale.

To all you daddy's boys out there, whats your reason for loving older men?6205496180732721325-3925724018367944248?l=mindtrip-lifeintheraw.blogspot.com


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I've had a "daddy" complex throughout my life. I genuinely find guys attractive in the age range 18-75. Part of it is that I find MASCULINITY a turn on. The fad for hairless bodied, plucked eyebrowed, anorexic twinks with girly haircuts leaves me cold. Testosterone progressively masculinizes the body over time. Muscle mass is added, bones become larger and denser, bodies become hairier, and facial features become more rugged. These masculine features become more pronounced with age. I used to have a thing for bearded guys and facial hair when I was younger. Even balding can be attractive on the right guy. The bottom line is most older guys are more MASCULINE.

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