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Bad Idea?


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Okay, so I met a guy and it's creepy how similar we are. We both really like each other, and sexually we are 100% compatible.

But he's in a relationship that he even concedes has been over for about a year (bf doesn't show any concern; does things without ever telling him; etc).

Should I back off? Hell he and I are blowing up each other's phones (I went from less than 50 minutes a month used to now about 2,000 and 100 texts to over 5,000). Oh, and I never before did Skype video chats, we do those about once a week, sometimes daily.

My fear is that a relationship with him is doomed to fail. What if his attraction to me is only over his dead relationship?

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Ive been in a long-term F/B - B/F situation a bit over 2 years now with a guy who claims to be in a 'committed' relationship.  He shows up, generally once a week, we play and go our separate ways happy.  There was one hiccup that interrupted our situation for about two months but before long he was back looking for more oral lovin'.  We eventually went to me getting his seed in my ass where I enjoy it.

It seems to be working for me.  I hope something like that happens for you and him. 

Are the focus of your conversations about you two and your interests, or complaining about the ex?  If it's more often than not about his ex, then I predict a fail due to him or you getting tired of hearing the complaints. 


Again, I hope it works out of the two of you.

Edited by Jamie85
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This is a tough question. I met my current bf back in 2009. At the time he was in a relationship. We fucked around a bit but lost touch. His relationship eventually ended and we got together in 2012 and have been together ever since. In a way, I am kind of "relieved" that he did not end his previous relationship because of me. I feel much more secure and I feel less threatened by other guys, who come on to my boyfriend all the time.


Although there are certainly exceptions, I do believe that a guy who leaves his bf for you is likely to leave you for someone else once the honeymoon phase (which usually lasts 1-2 years) is over.


Yes, people do get tired of each other. And my bf and I have an open relationship. It just never ceases to amaze me how many guys want you when you are not really available to them but when you are looking for something serious, it is not so easy. I have a fuck buddy right now in another town who knows my situation but I distinctly get the sense that he's catching feelings when I am all about getting a little side dick. 


One more thing: it's never a good sign if somebody is bashing their ex constantly. For this reason, I think anybody fresh out of a relationship needs a 6 month cooling off period to hopefully prevent them from bringing unnecessary baggage into a new relationship.

Edited by bbzh
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