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Full On Bb Lifestyle Vs. Logical Responsible Sexual Lifestyle

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I'm smack in the middle of both wanting only bb and logically knowing it's healthier to stay responsible hiv negative.


Of course raw cock and cum is all I want and is now the only thing that turns me on. However I'm raised in a society where one is supposed to stay healthy and avoid being sick. Also being poz is viewd as taboo and negative, with stigma and such.


It's been liberating finding this site and  giving me an instant boner reading all the post of raw sex and everything included. So it's tempting going full on bb and never look back. BUT even tho' all the bb, cock and cum is fun, do I really want the social stigma, being viewd as a someting nasty and ill etc.


I live in a mid size norwegian town where the few gays all want sex, just not with any locals, and putting a poz stamp untop of that wont stimulate to more sex. So should I practise safer sex just to get any, or go bb and have sex like once a year on holiday.


There are many poz norwegians, but most are not open about it, all on meds and live mostly in Oslo, far from me.


I dont ever wanna se a condom again, BUT, it's more to it than just cock and cum, life also happens more than sex does...


I'm not like many of the posters here claim to be, wanting every bug and such, giving it to everyone they see etc. There must be more down to earth people here who feel and think like I do? Am I over-analyzing and over-thinking it all? Thoughts?

sincerely the genuine next door nice guy from Norway

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So, if the few gays in your town don't want to have sex with the locals, who's available for you to have sex with? With PrEP, you actually can have BB sex and never see a condom again and stay neg. If it's available to you where you live or you can get it elsewhere (like in Oslo) then you can educate your sex partners that you're neg and on PrEP and therefore free to fuck BB.

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You have to be realistic. There are significant cultural differences so you need to decide how far outside the comfort zone you want to go. There's also the question as to how important sex is to your life - if it's not central to your idea of self and being HIV+ might affect other aspects of your life you consider as important or more important than your sex life, then stay safe. If your sexual life is the most important thing then the question is less simple. If you are young and attractive and/or live in a city with lots of opportunities for sex then being HIV+ won't be such a problem as there will be others to have sex with somehow, even if just in sauna dark rooms, whatever happens. If you're in the middle of nowhere then what fun is it being HIV+ and only having sex once a year? Whatever, you can fantasise about having a hedonistic sex life with the stories here and with videos. It's your life, your choices. Good luck with them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You are not thinking it too much. Once you are poz you cannot go back and nowadays there is really no excuse to "want the bug" or anything of sort.


If really all you think about is getting bred, get on PreP (I'm sure it's available in Norway, being the advanced country it is) and go have fun. That's not 100% safe, but it's a much better deal then repressing your inner wishes till one day - perhaps on vacation - you go nuts and take 20 loads at an anonymous party, without being on PreP.

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Alltho' Truvada is available in Norway, a pack for around €550/$600, it is however like in the rest of Europe not authorized as (PrEP) treatment. So finding a doctor to perscribe it won't be easy. And I can't afford to spend that amount a month on 30 pills.

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