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Que Sera, Sera

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I’m always amazed at how easy it is to do a young guy. I got a good example for you. I was doing a neighbor kid this summer. Strange. I’d looked forward to screwing him for several years, and always knew it would eventually happen. But I was never in a hurry.

He was out of high school this summer and headed for college in the fall. So it was time. I think he’d had a little experience. He wasn’t as nervous about it as if it’d been his first time—but he definitely needed some lessons.

Anyway, we had lots of “sessions” starting in June, and it was fun plus nice having someone close by. We forgot ourselves and barebacked on several occasions. But the rest of the time he demanded Safe Sex , and I used my special Condoms.

He left for school in late August, but we kept in touch by email. I got to hear about his love life—not slutting around, but getting some at OSU. He talked mostly about his school buds. But there was one dude in particular I didn’t hear much about—and I sort of think that was "love" and an older man.

The tone of his emails changed in late November. He hinted at having something serious to discuss when he came home for the Holidays. I guessed that he’d gotten his test results back, and wondered if he’d figured out it was me or really thought he had converted that fast from his contacts at school.

You wouldn't believe what a perverse thrill it was, listening him pour out his story, feeling all pumped inside but posturing sobriety and dismay. He was pathetically grateful when I still wanted to bed him after learning that he was POZ.

To maintain my cover, I initially insisted we Play Safe. He’d never topped me; but got into it a little at school, so he did me a couple times. The day after Christmas we had a nice leisurely fuck session. I did him first, then he did me. I made a big production of slipping the Rubber off him, telling him how much I liked him, and that I wanted his Cum in me—POZ or not—aka, Que Sera, Sera.

At first that sort of freaked him, but he was horned pretty good by then and went for it. Tentative at first, he got into it fast. I looked forward to taking back some of the Bug that I’d seeded over the summer.

But what was over-the-top was the transformation in him—like he’d never considered breeding a guy on purpose and was totally into Playing Safe with his Toxic Load. I could see the gears churning in his head—how he was getting turned onto the idea of POZZING me—and liked it!

By the time he got to the Squirt Strokes he’d accepted his new role in life. When he shot, he was way beyond making love to an old Bud—he was into Gifting. There are no words to express the Pride I felt!

Anyway, he'll be driving back to OSU this weekend, but we're spending the night together. When he left for school before, it was sort of hard saying goodbye. It’s going to much easier this time—knowing he’ll be sharing my Bug with his Buds. What a feeling!

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