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[BikeGuy13] Stalked


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To see Bike Guy's original blog post click here

Yes, I've been 'outed' here and there - as a blogger. A porn blogger. A sexual deviant. A slut. Call it what you will.

Yes, I've been 'stalked' - but not really. My guest blogger claims to be a stalker of mine, but he's not. Not really. As far as I know anyway....he's never been to my town and I know I've never been to his - except at 80 mph on Amtrak.

And this isn't a blog stalking - this is a Manhunt stalking story.

The other night I was on MH (shock - right?) and I get a message saying (and I will paraphrase):

"you look a lot more fit in person than in your pictures".

I should have let it go - right? But I didn't. I asked the reporter questions: when? who? where? why?

The guy described me to a T on what I was wearing at the gym that very night. ...and how I must have lost a TON of weight. (he upper-cased the 'ton'.) Yes, sweet talking me like that will most certainly get you into my pants.

For the record, I was never fat, but I have lost a bit of weight, but not a ton. Not even 20 pounds. The difference is, I'm more fit. More muscle. Less - dough.

Now, he could have seen me through a door, as for this night in question I was in a class - not just in a weight room. There is a glass door in said class. But I had to press....and he mentioned something about what and how I was doing in this class.

I'm not a guy who gets unnerved easily - and I wasn't now. But then he mentioned that HE was in my class. I never got if he went into it because of me or just was a coincidence. I decided I didn't want to know.

He did throw out - 'you disappeared right after class'. Um....yeah, I had to get home and, oh - I didn't know you were stalking me, so I didn't realize I was supposed to wait around.

Now I'm at a quandary. I had every intention of going to class tomorrow evening when I got a message last night saying: 'you weren't in class tonite'. Yes, I skipped Tuesday's class due to other obligations. But now I know he's in my class - maybe for me, maybe not.

I'm not egotistical - and you'd hardly know it from this blog, but I am a bit discrete. I know a number of people at the gym and in this particular class - do I really want this kind of attention?

I really don't think I do. And I'd really hate to give up my routine.

What to do? WHAT to do?14796943-3060126809480253828?l=bikeguy13.blogspot.com


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