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Roid Rage (finished)

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I'd never really been a bar guy. I was into harder, grungier music than they played at these places, and I hated spending 2.50 for a single beer. None of it was appealing to me, but a few of my friends went all the time. My buddy Mack begged me to this place called "Eon" because he was going to meet some guy he'd met through a personal ad. He wanted me there for moral support because I guess all of hos other friends were busy I guess. So we went and my whole life was changed within a matter of hours.

The place wasn't all that crowded (maybe because they charged a five buck cover charge), but we found a small table near the entrance so he could see his 'blind date' right away. Apparently they  had told each other what the other would be wearing. The mystery guy guy walked in and he was pretty dang cute. Mack made his way right up to him and within seconds they headed over to the bar. Alone again. I didn't expect much different and decided to go get a drink myself. Ugh. Four bucks for a vodka tonic? Oh well. It's not like I did this very often. The drink was good and strong, and I craved another to dull the thudding in my head from all the mindless disco music blaring in my ears. I must be lacking that part of the gay chromosome that appreciates that shit.

The drinks helped me mellow considerably and I made way over to the dance floor to see if I could spot Mack and his new boyfriend. Pf course they were grinding on each other under the spinning lights. I'd most likely be here for a while so I ordered another drink. Before I could reach for my wallet, the bartender told me it was paid for already. "By who?", I asked, confused. He put a finger to his lips and made a zipping motion. Okay. I glanced around to see if I could spot the kind stranger. The only guy who was looking right at me was some muscle-bound jock type with a super thick neck, blonde hair and the tightest t-shirt ever. Couldn't be him. He was out of my league. No guy like that had ever noticed me before and it was probably only because of the drinks that I considered it possible. I looked around for my friend again and didn't see him or his guy. I hope he didn't leave - he had given me a ride. "These drinks are so small", I thought as I drained another. Well maybe I'd get one more and call a cab. What the hell time was it?

As I turned around to head back to the bar, I bumped right into the muscle guy. He  smiled broadly and took the empty glass from my hand. 

"Come over here", he said loudly over the music "and let's do a shot". 

He found us two empty stools. My mind was a bit muddy as I followed him, and also a little aroused -- he looked like some dude that would be on the cover of "Men's Health" magazine. There were two tiny glasses of brown liquid (whiskey, probably) waiting. I sat next to this Adonis and drank the shot quickly.

"You didn't even wait for a toast!" He seemed slightly offended.


He ordered two more and I made sure to wait for a toast this time. He didn't make one -- just clinked my glass with his and downed it. I was officially drunk. I knew this because I wanted another. We had another round on me, and I finally spun around on the stool to look him in the face. This had to be a practical joke of some sort. "Do I know you?"

He flashed that great smile again. "We met before, but it was a long time, but you probably don't remember".

I drunkenly searched my brain files, but couldn't come up with any solid memory of this god. "I'm Jerome. We met once at a New Year's Eve party downtown." It seemed easier to just say "Oh yeah", and act like I remembered than admit the truth. "We kissed at midnight", he added. Wow. I must have been really out of it then. "Of course, I wasn't as pumped-up as I am now."

A few more shots were downed and I gazed openly at his body. It was beautiful, perfect, but freakish. He had muscles and veins everywhere. "Like it?". he asked.

"Yeah. How often do you work out?"

"Four to five times a week. I also shoot up roids...but I don't admit that to just anybody," I was silent. "I strip at a few clubs in the area and might get a few modeling gigs, but I'm too scared to do porn."

"I understand", I said trying to be cool,

Suddenly the DJ started playing a Blondie song and I was filled with the urge to dance. I tried to get Jerome to the dance floor, but he held me back with his giant, lumpy arms. We just stood there and grinded away to "Heart of Glass". Everybody was watching us now. I felt his muscular pecs and ribbed stomach press into my back. Let them all watch. His crotch was working against my butt. I think  felt a hard-on, but wasn't sure.  It's a long song and he led me out of the place before it was over. Okay. I was going home with Zeus, and I wondered if I'd remembered to make my bed that morning. Didn't matter because we were at his place within minutes. It was a very neat apartment, but a little small. I guess I expected to see barbells and exercise shit everywhere, but it was all immaculate. 

Once in his bedroom, he ordered me to strip. I did and he got mad. "Don't just leave your fucking clothes on the floor, Idiot!". "Fold them up neatly and put them on the dresser. Fucking slob!" He was angry  all the sudden. Out of nowhere. He gave me a hard punch in the stomach and I crumpled to the floor. Mistake mistake mistake. I tried to think of a way to exit when he apologized.

"Sorry. I get angry sometimes -- for no reason. I really, truly apologize". He had a sad face that was on top of the most gorgeous body I'd ever seen. His dick was sort of small compared to the rest of his bulk, but that was somewhat of a relief because I have had no experience with being fucked, and wasn't really ready for a huge porn-sized dick. He was motioning me over to his perfectly made bed, but I had a sudden meed to go pee out the liquor I'd consumed. I found the bathroom to be as clean and perfect as the rest of his place except for a small mess of syringes on top of the toilet seat. One of them had some blood in it. Gross. Before I could even get a stream of piss out, he barged in with more anger on his face. Fuck. "You could have at least asked first to use my bathroom, asshole!" I froze. He grabbed one of the needles and a tiny bottle of something from his medicine cabinet,

"One of those has blood in it," I cautioned.

"Oh probably. I have to pick all the discarded ones I find at the gym. You can't just go to Walgreens and buy new ones, moron."

I gave up on peeing and decided to leave any way I could. 

He slammed the door behind me and I took the opportunity to go get dressed. Before I even got my shirt on, Jerome stormed out and pushed me to the floor. "Why are you being such a little bitch??!!!"  And then the fists came at me. A fury of pounding hit my ribs and cheeks and sides of my head. He was crazy and I was about to die. And then nothing. I guess I blacked-out. 

I woke up on the bed with the muscle man spreading my legs open. He was actually going to fuck me and I had no idea if he had a condom on. "Are you safe?" I asked with a child's voice.

"No. Nothing about this is safe. I've got so much bad shit in my dick that not even a Trojan could hold it back. You're stupid as fuck, but I'm about to make you smarter".

He put his modest little hard-on inside of me and pumped away. He kept saying things like "Asshole", "Virgin Bitch", "Motherfucker". And then he was still. 

I'd been fucked for the first time and it really didn't even hurt that much. I guess I was lucky.

He recovered And started inspecting my ass and the sheets beneath me. 

"Fucking whore... You didn't even bleed".

I prepared for another beating, but he hopped away out of sight. I knew better than to try and getup and  dressed again. He was back in a flash with a razor blade. "He's going to cut my throat". I figured. But no. He sliced his own middle finger at the tip. Deeply. It was streaming blood everywhere. I was confused again, but then he plunged that finger in my ass. Not only that, he scratched around with his fingernail -- roughly. "There!", he announced. Now you've got what I got, Shit face.

He was bleeding all over himself and standing there naked as I got dressed. When he noticed blood drops on his carpet, he started huffing and grunting. 

I was outside at last. I had to look around a bit to figure out where in the city I was. It took 45 minutes, but I made it back to my apartment. I wanted to sleep but the new bugs inside of me kept chattering all night. I waited almost a year to get tested, and the results were no surprise.


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