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[College Cumslut] Family (Non sexual musings)


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I just got back from a visit with my family before school starts. I come from an EXTREMELY close family. And not just parents, brothers and sisters. I'm close with my cousins, aunts, uncles, even my 2nd cousins.

I grew up with my first cousins. They were always over at our house or we were always over at their house. Our families went on vacation together every summer. We spent every Christmas and most Thanksgivings together. My cousins were/are practically my brothers and sisters. I'm as close to them as I am with my own brothers and sisters.

And by close, I mean CLOSE. I talk to them about everything. Sex, relationships, feelings, everything. In fact, here's a sample of a conversation I had with 2 of my female cousins out at dinner a couple nights ago:

Cousin 1 (She's a virgin lol): "So, does all cum taste the same?"

Cousin 2: "No, no, no. Some taste similar but some taste way different."

That is normal, everyday conversation for us. I bring this up because, as close as I am to my cousins and family, I'm not out to them. At all. I'm not even close to telling them. And it sucks because there's a big part of my life that they don't know about.

For me, it's so hard to think about telling them because I don't want things to change. I like my "status" with every one in my family. I like my relationships with them. And I'm afraid if I come out, everything changes. I'm no longer Me, I'm "gay" Me.

And being gay (oh, btw, I've decided I'm gay. I like chicks but not NEARLY as much as guys. LOL) doesn't define me. I'm not Gay CC, I'm just CC.

In one of my classes, we were supposed to put the top 5 categories you put yourself in when you think about yourself (i.e. male, female, Christian, Atheist, America, etc.). Gay/bi/homosexual wasn't in my top 5. It barely made my top 10. Not that I'm ashamed of it, I just don't think it shapes who I am as much as some other things.

But at the same time, being gay IS apart of me and who I am. How close can I be to my family if they don't even know the "real" me?

Coming out at school has helped. My friends have been amazingly supportive. The best part though is that they treat me the same as they did before I came out. There wasn't even a pause. It was like "Hey, I'm gay." "That's cool. You wanna get a pizza?"

My family is different though. While we are all very liberal (90% of us have been to multiple protests lol), there's still an attitude of "No one in OUR family is gay".

While I'm not particularly attracted to the stereotypical, loud, fem queen, part of me wishes I WAS one. My family has no clue I'm gay. NO CLUE. Part of me wishes I had rainbows shooting out of my ears so they wouldn't be so shocked to find out :)

Anyways, sorry about the long, mumbling, non sexual post. I just needed to get it off my chest! School starts next week, which means the hot freshmen guys that have been waiting to try cock are here! I love college :)3766694183598535868-2311588405611188286?l=collegecumslut.blogspot.com


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Take your time. You will know when it is right to come out to your family. Go with your gut. Just one comment if your two female cousins were talking about cum in front of you, I'm guessing, they think your gay and might have been hoping you might feel comfortable enough to tell them. Good luck and keep us posted.

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I was thinking the same, fairlygay.

CC--you'll know when it's time. You've already made a first big step coming out in school and you had the experience of it not being the end-all you thought it might. I came out @ a Christian college, and though some friends were cool about it, I gave myself 2 years of misery. But through all that, the friends that stayed with me gave me the confidence to come out to my family in the end.

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Hey man- I came of age in the late 60's early 70's, living in rural NY State. I knew I was gay early , but was afraid to come out.Small town, everyone knew everyone, etc. Disco was just exploding, and a girl a couple of years older than me saw me one day and told me I should check out a club in the next town- she thought I would like it. It was a college town, and I soon discovered the disco was a mix of straight and gay ,mostly college kids.And, I found sex there regularly- and saw the girl on several occassions and thanked her fo rtipping me off to the place. Like the orig posters cousins- she knew- I think gay folk may think no one knows their identity but more often than not,everyone knows they are gay. Like a 2,000 lb elephant in the room type of thing.Everyone sees it an dknows its there, but noone says anything.

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