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[Leather Skin Biker] Need to Keep Going


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I have been mindful lately that I really need to get back to more regular posting to this blog. It has been too long, and I still have more to say. I enjoy messages from readers who like my blog and want me to continue it. It seems as though I often throw this excuse out, but I have been busy with a number of things that have distracted me from my writing.

Chief among the distractions have been work and consulting. If only I could paid for writing blog posts, then I might find myself wrting more and doing other things less.But so far I’m keeping my day job, and then some.

Just to catch you up, here are some highlights:

  • My partner is doing okay. One of our goals is to take another trip before summer is over. This blog is not the place to air dirty laundry where that relationship is concerned.
  • My out-of-state “son” is doing well. I need to continue his backstory. I’m three years behind in telling his story, with one anniversary having just passed last month, and another anniversary coming up this month with him.
  • My dark, sadistic MASTER is a front and center presence in my life. HE is doing well.
  • My out-of-state slave is somewhat errant. I don’t know what is going on with him. Not sure he is really a slave in spite of his desire to be one, and the years he’s known me.
  • I’ve met an interesting local FF buddy, and have played with him twice. I hope to get my whole fist inside him soon. Every time I try, I get a bit deeper inside him. I’m enjoying that a lot.
  • I have a new slave candidate in the LA area who has proven to be quite interesting and consistent. He would be another out-of-state distance slave. I’m getting to know him, and get inside his head. He has sort of an approach-avoidance relationship with poppers. He’s turned on by the idea of being addicted to them, but knows they could spell his destruction. And he’s willing to put the decision in my hands. I find that very hot. Bottom line is that this slave desires to be abused. Abuse turns him on. Talk about an offer I can’t refuse. BTW, he found me through my blog. Go figure.
  • There is an even newer slave candidate in Portland, Oregon, who I’m just beginning to know. He’s young and quite experienced for his age. The good news there is that he loves pain. He’s speaking my language.
  • BTW, the cash fag paid me last week. Technically, it’s called cashrape. But that doesn’t quite do justice to the complexities involved. His little cock gets hard the harder I push him, the more unrelenting I am, the more force I use. And I get off on the power trip when he pays. He actually sent the Portland pain pig my way, but it turns out that the Portland pain pig is not into cash slavery, and even if he were, that doesn’t mean I will forget about the German cash slave. So that’s where that stands.
  • And last but not least, the cigar slave of whom I’ve written here a few times. I haven’t used him this year. I’m not sure where all of that is going. I have this feeling in my gut that I may not be playing with him again. It seems as though that part of our relationship is in the past. The sad thing is that I don’t know where things stand now, and I’m not sure what the future holds for me and him. I’ll keep you posted.

I hope that given this short recap, you will see that I my plate is full. Sometimes I feel as though I don’t have time to write about it all because I’m too busy living it. But I won’t use that as an excuse.


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