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[Leather Skin Biker] How Did faggotjewboy Become My “son?” - Part 2


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So given O/our common interests, things just evolved. his need for approval played right into my hands. his darkness dovetailed nicely with my darkness. To use a term from1980s business think, there was synergy there. he was looking for no one, but he found Me. and as for Me, I didn’t seek him out. But there he was. Day in, day out, in regular, almost constant communication. It’s important to note that as things evolved between U/us, one could look at what happened in very different ways. I know both his version, and I have My own version. I have discussed it with him ad infinitum.

So in his version of things, I manipulated him—methodically, deliberately, and willfully—to suit my purpose. As he sees it, there was something I needed, and he happened to be the one who appeared at the right place at the right time. In the way that he paints the picture, I had been ramping up to this, and was waiting for someone like him. he will tell you that I was just waiting patiently for a boy who had a high need for acceptance and approval, with a submissive nature, who would be willing to do almost anything for a superior MAN. he’d have you believe that I took advantage of him. he might even go so far as to say that I tricked him into asking me to do what I did to him. he would say that I’m dark enough and smart enough to do all this to a man who is just as dark, if not darker, than Myself. FJB is no dullard. he is smart, successful, insightful, and nobody’s fool. he knows what he is, and what he is built for: service. Always the 15 year old boy serving superior men. Some things never change.

In a previous post about FJB, I believe I made a point of noting how I offered him an out, an escape clause, if you will, in early 2006. I told him that while I thought the plans that he and I discussed were very highly erotically charged, and really got Me going, that I wanted to give him an out, a chance to reconsider what he was committing himself to. In other words, I gave him a chance to escape being tethered to Me for life. I gave him an opportunity to alter course—to, in fact, leave the path he had begun to follow with Me. I think that was more than fair, and quite beneficent of Me.

Not surprisingly, FJB would tell the story differently. In his iteration, I had no intention of letting him slip through My fingers. As he would tell it, I tricked him into thinking that I was offering him an out, so that he would, in turn, ask me to continue down the path with him. Which, in fact, he did. he did talk me into continuing down the path on which W/we had embarked. Whether his perspective is right, or Mine is right, the end result was the same. Competing versions of the story don’t much alter the outcome.

To be continued.


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