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[Gay Sexcapades] Danny Gets Injected


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6a00e550196ddb8834011572173e01970b-piSo Danny came back for round #2 last Friday night.* You can read Cody's take on it HERE, and Dan's HERE.* Neither of them were completely sure they were going to make it, but I'm so glad they did... it's always good to have my demented pig buddies around!

The night started just like it did last time... with a hot latin stud pounding the hell out of Danny for almost 45 minutes non-stop at his place in Queens.* I watched them on webcam... I was cleaning, and preparing for everything but kept checking back to see what they were up to.* He fucked the hell out of Danny... and blew a hot load in his little ass.* This guy is a great top... hopefully we can get him to show up for a party sometime soon.

As soon as he was well-fucked, Danny got on his webcam to let his boyfriend know he was going to bed.* (It's a long-distance relationship with a guy in Houston.) Everybody has their own idea of the perfect relationship, but Danny's man is missing a prime opportunity.* Oh, what I wouldn't give for a slutty cumdump as a boyfriend.* I'd let (and encourage) him to get fucked and filled as much as he could handle... every day non-stop if he could take it.*

Danny arrived a little after 10pm (punctual as always) with that fresh Latin load already in him.

6a00e550196ddb8834011572176519970b-300wi 10:19PM: Within ten minutes of Danny's arrival, before we were even completely ready and as Danny was still getting partied up, two guys were knocking at the door.* They were a couple who had asked waaaaaaayyyy too many questions during the lead-up to the party.* I'm always wary of too many back-and-forth emails, but the point here was to get as much cum in the boy as possible, so we invited them.* One of them was "eh" looking... kind of cute(ish) and skinny.* The other one had been described to us as "stocky" but was just simply fat.* I labeled them Tweedly Dee and Tweedle Dum.* Danny probably would have objected, but he's a good sport and led them to my bedroom.* They closed the door to my bedroom, which I immediately reopened.

A little editorial comment:* There are only two rules for my bareback parties and I make both of them abundantly clear when you get the invitation.* The first rule is that
this is a group activity... no 1-on-1 (or couple-on-1)
.* I don't know you.* Are you gonna rob me?* Are you gonna hurt Danny?* And it's my apartment.* You may not close me out of a room in my own home.* LOL :-)

10:22PM: I could hear the bed squeaking and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum were clearly pounding his hole pretty good.* Since they weren't that hot, I frankly didn't really want to watch.* But I assumed Danny was enjoying himself.

10:27PM: Matt showed up next... he had taken a few days off from work and traveled to NY from fucking ALASKA!* When we chatted and I confirmed that, yes, Danny would definitely show up and that, yes, Danny would love to take his loads, he took the time off and booked his ticket.* I had assumed he came just for this event, but apparently he came to visit some friends also.* But, judging from how possessive he was with Danny's hole, I suspect this was the highlight of his trip!* :-)* Damn, that's a long way to travel for a hole, but I love it!

10:31PM: Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum abruptly left without saying goodbye, thank you, kiss my ass.* Nothing.* And then they didn't even close the fucking door on their way out. What assholes.* They rushed out so quickly, I got a little worried, but everything seemed ok.* Anyway, with their departure, I assumed that meant two more loads for Danny, making it three total.* I was wrong.* During a break in the action later, I found out that Tweedle Dum never fucked him and Tweedle Dee USED A FUCKING CONDOM.* Danny is too sweet to send them away, but if I had been watching I probably would have kicked them out.**

Which brings us to rule #2:* Invitations are also abundantly clear that
this party is bareback only... no fucking condoms
!* You are welcome to stand around and watch;* you are welcome to jerk off on his hole and let someone else fuck it into him;* or you are welcome to fuck him and pull out before cumming.* We don't have many limits, but we draw the line at condoms!* LOL :-)

6a00e550196ddb8834011572174f9d970b-200wiTWEEDLE DEE AND TWEEDLE DUM sent an email later asking if they could come back, but I told them to go fuck themselves.* I don't mean to be rude, but they're clearly looking for something different than what we were offering.

6a00e550196ddb8834011572173fad970b-pi 10:33PM: Meanwhile, back in my bedroom, Matt was fucking the cumdump HARD and Danny was moaning like a little bitch.* "Yeah, fuck me!"* I could hear skin-on-skin slapping... aaaahhhh, what a great sound.* And I heard some SERIOUS huffs on the poppers bottle.* Since I wasn't in the room (I was online rounding up more guys), it was like a blind man commentating a BB orgy.

10:37PM: "Here i cum!"... "Oh shit!"* Mmmmmm... sounds like load #2.* Finally! :-)

10:39PM: The fucking continued with Matt slamming Danny's ass.* The squishy sounds coming from my bedroom were amazing!

10:42PM: And... silence :-)* Probably some after-fucking glow, making out and spooning was going on.*

10:47PM: My fellow pig, Cody showed up.* We chatted for a bit to catch up since we hadn't seen each other since the last cumdump party.*

10:56PM: Danny and Matt took a little break and joined Cody and I for a bit of chilling in my living room.* Cody and I were clothed and Danny and Matt were naked.* I remember that we had been accused before of being too chatty, but it seemed ok.*

11:08PM: A hot Italian guy showed up.* I told him to make himself at home and pointed out where the bathroom and bedroom are.* He bolted immediately for the bedroom while stripping out of his clothes.* Danny and Matt follow behind him.* I love a top that doesn't waste any time!* And I really love a bottom boy who knows when it's time to get to work!

6a00e550196ddb8834011572174d4d970b-200wi 11:11PM: A hot daddy who had fucked Danny before and was "amazing" according to the slut showed up with a Budweiser 40 in hand.* God, i wish it was PBR or Colt.* But Budweiser is pretty priceless... no fucking Bud Light, he's a top afterall!* Nice.* He was rather aggressive... New York-ish aggressive but a really nice guy.

11:16PM: I walked in just as Cody shot load #4 in the whore's cumhole.* Hot Daddy climbed on in a matter of seconds!

11:20PM: Guys were tag teaming the little slut's ass.* Four guys were gathered around my bed each taking turns pumping the cumhole.* Danny's hole was never without a cock in it for more than about 10 seconds.* I think the whore was in heaven.

11:34PM: I cherish my job of rounding up more guys.* People ask me about that a lot, but I just get off on the whole demented scene.* I don't need a lot of attention and don't need lots of fuck time.* I love watching guys fulfill their fantasies.

Those guys were just pounding away at that hot cumhole by this point.* I was pretty sure we had lost count of how man loads he had in him... but apparently most guys were holding off.* Cody was sent to the living room with a message for me.* "The btm boy is requesting JUNGLE JUICE."* LOL* I prefer Blue Boy and Amsterdam, but luckily I offer a selection of various poppers!* We aim to please...

11:42PM: Dan showed up, quickly followed by a HOT Middle Eastern guy with an amazing hot ass.* And i am a sucker for Middle Eastern cock.* I haven't had much of it, but it's definitely an obsession of mine.* Really nice guy too!* Great top... and we would later find out that he's versatile :-)* Future cumdump, perhaps?

11:43PM: One guy left but I missed who it was.* Cody told me it was "the hairy guy from before" but that doesn't help my recollection much.* But, the good news was that it must mean another load -- #5!

11:55PM: Cody shot hot load #6 in the boy.

12:00AM: At the stoke of midnight the BB Gods shined down and my favorite boy, Noah, showed up. :-)* About the same time, Matt, the guy from Alaska unloaded in the cumdump again... mmmmm load #7.*

12:29PM: Hot Daddy popped his head into the living room to report that he had shot load #8 and that Danny is being passed around in the bedroom by three guys.

12:44PM: Matt, Dan and the Middle Eastern guy each shot a hot load in Danny's sloppy cumhole.* 11 loads, for those keeping count.* Damn!* Does Matt ever run out of cum?!?!

12:56PM: A guy with a striking resemblance to what Prince Harry will look like 20 years from now showed up.* He seemed rather shy, but eventually climbed on and shot a load in the whore.* Load #12.*

The reset of the night got more and more blurry as the Captain Morgan and Diet Coke invaded my brain.*

At some point there Danny was double penetrated a couple of times... once by Noah and Matt and once by Cody and Matt.* He's such an insatiable bottom whore that his hole never gets enough cock in it... even two at a time.*

6a00e550196ddb88340115721740fe970b-200wi 6a00e550196ddb88340115721744f0970b-200wi Probably the highlight of the night was the coolest gift that Dan brought for me.* I'm not sure what it's actually made for, but it is the perfect "syringe" for injecting cum in a hot bottom boy.* The picture to the left was from last time when we tried to inject the cum into Danny directly from the bottle.* That didn't work so well.* The syringe (to the right) worked MUCH better.* Thanks, Dan!

As luck would have it, I still had the bottle of Noah's cum in my freezer.* Is was originally 18 loads.* We had put a little bit of it in Danny the last time he was here, but weren't able to get very much into him.* So, there were probably about 16 loads left over.*

Dan has a VIDEO ON HIS BLOG of me and him filling the syringe full of Noah's cum.* When we brought it in the bedroom, Danny was laying on his stomach.* Noah did the honors of injecting the cum in Danny.* The syringe slid in perfect and Noah slowly pressed the plunger to shoot all that hot cum in Danny's cumhole.* Now he was REALLY full.*

There was a little awkwardness as we tried to get Danny in the right position to have someone fuck all those loads deeper inside him.* Tweaked boys sometimes have a hard time following directions.* :-)* Then, Matt demanded that he get to fuck the 16 loads into Danny, even though Danny was clearly hesitant and objected a bit since he had already had some trouble with Matt's massive cock.* In the end, Matt did end up fucking those loads deeper into Danny's hole and all was right with the world.*

Next, we refilled the syringe with 8 loads Dan had brought mixed with the remainder of Noah's loads (the syringe was overflowing the first time).* Once all of Dan's and Noah's loads were swimming inside the whore, Dan pulled Danny to the side of the bed and plunged his huge cock in deep, pumping that hot mix of sperm deeper and deeper into Danny's guts.*

I think our new syringe toy is going to be making many appearances at my parties.* I know Dan and I are saving our sperm, and hopefully the other pigs are too.

The Middle Eastern guy continued to give a great performance.* He could move his hips like a piston in a way I've never seen before.* He was like a fuck machine... very impressive.*

6a00e550196ddb883401157122ff35970c-200wiA friend of a guy had shown up earlier.* He was supposed to meet his friend at the party, but his friend never showed up.* It was his first BB gangbang, and I would have been really nervous... and probably would have left after my friend didn't show up.* But, he was a super sweet, fun guy and hung out with us for a long time.* He never fucked Danny, as he just wanted to watch.* But, he did let most of us jerk him off at some point* Very cute guy!* And he and Noah seemed to hit it off.* ;-)* [Thanks for coming, Logan!]

After that things really got blurry.* There was lull in the action, as we all stood around the cumwhore sniffing poppers, drinking, and talking about all the demented shit we're into.* As we chatted, every now and then, somebody would shove a cock in the slut and fuck him for a while.* Not much cum was flowing during that time, but his hole was seriously sloppy.* At one point he was face down on the bed with his legs spread wide and there was a nice stream of cum leaking out of his hole.* A beautiful sight.

Dan took lots of video using Danny's cam, but Danny has the video.* So, if he sends it to us, we will post it.

I estimate Danny took 37 or 38 loads, including the loads that we injected in him.* It seems that everyone left around 6am... I assume Danny had to get back home so that he would be back on his webcam early that morning to prove to his boyfriend that he had stayed in and gotten a good night's sleep like the loyal boyfriend that he is.* Hehehehe.*

I blacked out around 5 or 5:30AM, so the end of the party is a total blank for me... might as well have been part of the THE HANGOVER!* I literally don't remember anything... so I couldn't tell you what happened even if I wanted to.




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