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not sure this goes here. is there a 'beauty' forum - to talk about things like...

just getting back out. want to 'improve' myself

1. farmer's tan - how to get rid of face/neck and lower arms looking suntanned

2. dark hole -  i have dark area around my butthole i want to get rid of (anal bleach?)

3. butt hair - using nair to smooth butt

things like that - how to get better.

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Guest FinalDL2021

 As I get older, and remain sexually active with other men, I notice myself using more skin creams, and being more conscious of bags under my eyes. and skin getting crepey, its nothing that anyone else would notice, yet I have become more aware of it. I also started coloring the grey out of my hair.

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Some of those things I don't think are an issue. A farmer's tan shows that you are at least somewhat active. I'd rather see that than pasty paleness like you haven't been outside in 10 years. If you don't like the farmer's tan, then take off your clothes and go for the swimsiut or full nudist tan.

The dark ring around the anus is another thing I don't see as a problem. If I am that close to you to where I can see it, I'm more interested in getting my tongue in the center than critiquing your "bullseye".

Butt hair and pubes, I prefer to keep trimmed short. I think it shows off what you have to offer better. I haven't tried any hair removal products so those opinions will have to come from someone else.  Also on the topic of hair, I can't stand seeing nose hair, ear hair, or big bushy eye brows, so while you are trimming, take a look at that.

Creams to keep the skin supple and smooth are like doing a full body lube. I like lube. 😁 I've thought about taking a collagen supplement. I'd be interested in hearing if it helps.

An area that a lot of guys could use some help is weight control and posture. I was fucked recently by a guy who was grossly overweight. He had to keep moving his belly out of the way to stay in me. If he had been 50 pounds lighter I think it would have been more enjoyable for both of us. You don't have to workout to where you become a musclebound bodybuilder, but if you look down and you can't see your penis, no one else can see it either.

Regardless of whether you decide to make any changes to your body, probably the most important "improvement" someone can make is to be relaxed and comfortable with who they are.


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