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Please Explain...


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So I’m at a hotel hosting, and I get a hit off Doublelist - a guy says he and his partner want to run a train on my ass and could they come at 10:30? This sounds promising - the flakes don’t usually lead with scheduling. He also says that they’d love it if any other guys were there. As time approaches, they email again to make sure we’re still on for 10:30. When 10:30 arrives, they email that they’re pulling in and need the room number.

Then, time passes. I had been ass-up and in position, door cracked for them to enter, listening, and I thought I heard activity on the walkway outside, but no one tried the door.

At the 10-minute mark I sent another message asking if they were at the right hotel. They said they were, but the door was shut and they couldn’t see a light on, so they left. Since they were still close by, should they come back?

By all means, I told them, and gave them the room number for the third time.

Ten more minutes. At last, footsteps and muffled voices unmistakably in front of my door. I psych myself up, getting ready for the penetrations about to take place. The door opens slightly and...closes again.

There are sounds of uncertain voices distressed about something outside. I hear the door open again, more fully. My naked ass and back are in full view. After a moment, the door is pulled to, but left slightly ajar. More iffy chatter outside, and then I can clearly hear footsteps hustling their way back down the stairwell.

In a couple of minutes, I get an email from the guy, which reads:

We changed our minds. We chickened out. This is the first time we ever tried this.


Now here’s the kicker - they were both over 40 years old.


If they had been a pair of young 20-something dumbfucks that kind of behavior wouldn’t have surprised me in the least. But here we have two men of supposedly seasoned years who have made an appointment for sexual service, and then for some reason can’t get through the door but do manage to open it twice to peek at the naked occupant inside before running off and leaving the door hanging open.

Please, someone, explain their actions to me in a way that will restore my faith in Men in general. I should add that this even took place on the only night in the last two years of hosting that I have gone unfucked - the only other two men who contacted me for service were no-shows, and though two did actually make it through the door, neither could get it up to penetrate me. (They were both, however, good conversationalists, so the time wasn’t totally wasted.)

 I responded to the guy who told me it was the first time they had tried this with:

Then don’t try it ever again, with anyone. What you just did was inexcusable.

What really makes this episode annoying is that the night before, I was bred by a Man who had had me before and who I remembered very well because he gives such a delicious fuck. He really enjoyed my ass and he absolutely deserved to breed me because he was just so damn good. It just seems like Tops of that quality are becoming more and more scarce, and guys like this pair of “chickens” more common.

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