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Guest takingdeepanal

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Guest takingdeepanal

Unless you've been incommunicado, you'll know that Australia is going through an absolutely ... well, there are NO words which can convey the absolute awfulness of what is happening all around the country.

Hundreds of fires (4 within 5 miles of my home within a week) - most of them apparently through deliberate or negligent actions

  • Homes and communities lost
  • Dozens of people dead
  • 480 MILLION animal fatalities in New South Wales alone BEFORE the end of last year
  • A State of Disaster declared in Victoria for the first time ever (and it will most likely be renewed this for this coming weekend)
  • Worsening conditions expected for this coming weekend (as if they could get any worse!)
  • 5,000,000+ hectares lost
  • "Functional extinction" of the koala population in NSW (food source mostly wiped out - and they are territorial creatures, so it is going to be EXTREMELY difficult to re-home them)

Out of respect for those of us who are suffering, I am politely requesting that no political comments are made, as there are enough of them flooding the airwaves where we are.

I've had friends from around the world (including here!) asking how they can donate money (we in Victoria seemingly have been placed second in priority by our Federal government and news media - but that's just my observation).

Links for donations as follows:

Helping Animals affected by Bushfires

Firefighter and Community Support

Thank you for your attention.

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