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Are most new HIV infections Drug Resistant?


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Just bouncing some ideas around (I tend to think a lot late at night)- would love to know what you guys think

I was thinking logically.

If you are HIV+ but Undetectable, I've read the chances of passing on the infection are lower.

Therefore, those with drug resistant strains who do not become Undetectable, have a higher chance of passing it on.

Therefore it would make sense (presuming the majority of HIV+ people are having treatment) that most new HIV infections are the result of drug resistant strains

I know that ignores people who do not take Medication but I would also presume the majority do take it in order to stay healthy.

Anyone got any thoughts or theories for and against?

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One of the ideas going around is that many transmissions are from recently converted men who are unaware they became poz. Since they just converted their viral load is still high making them able to more easily infect someone else.

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