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[Pussy Boi] Beaver Nation is Pissed...Yet I Am Very Happy


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It is bowl season. Turn the TV on over the next few weeks and you're likely to see a football game. Yesterday was the Las Vegas Bowl - OSU vs. BYU. Not a good day for the Beavers...got pummelled in the desert. You may recall that I have some friends that are bigtime OSU fans and love their football get togethers (see last post here). Well, since I am on break and many guys are off doing family/holiday stuff, I had no expectations of seeing them for this game. Frankly I forgot it was on. Well, on Tuesday morning I got a call from Kyle wondering what I was up to and if I wanted some. Duh. He said that a few of them were getting together at a bar and was seeing if I wanted to join. I asked who all was going and he said he wasn't sure, but it would be a surprise. OK...just say when and where. Sidenote: I am discovering that this is what sluts should do....don't ask too many questions, just be sure you're a sure thing, be reliable and go, say, do as you're told.

So I rolled into the restuarant/bar place - won't say exactly where but sort of one of those upscale brewery type joints that charges too much for anything because of the 'atmosphere.' Whatever, the place was pretty busy, and found Kyle and Matt, plus one of their friends, Colton. Let me just say it now...Colton was the spitting image of Ryan Sheckler. Ridiculous hot face. Without boring maaco-bowl-las-vegas.jpgyou with the game details, the Beavers sucked it up, but we watched, hung out, drank, ate some wings, and all was cool. After the game, there were no plans. I forgot to mention that Matt and Colton had been having this side conversation going for much of the night, which I wasn't privy to (and still am not, but suspect it was something having to do with me). Well, Matt spoke up in his usual arrogant and assuming way and bluntly asked me in front of Kyle and Colton "How badly do you want our cocks right now?" I have to admit I was embarrassed for a split second and kindof a deer caught in the headlights, but I swung right back and said "Do you even need to ask?". He then said "That is what I thought." Then the conversation went on to be about how pissed he is right now and just needs to fuck something. I immediately spoke up and told him "I could easily handle that". Jeezus, I am getting really ballsy these days, but was just playing the part I suppose.

So we got the check and bailed. They told me to just leave my car and we phello_my_name_is_cock_sucker_postcard-p239438397830194149qibm_400.jpgiled into Kyle's Xttera with Matt in the passenger seat and me sitting next to Colton in the back. With music roaring, Kyle leaned back to Colton and said "Dude, you gotta give his throat a try. It is really intense and he knows what he is doing." Colton just looked at me and I couldn't take my eyes off his lap, and made my move onto the backseat floor and my face in his crotch. He seemed bit stiff and unsure, but I licked his cock through his jeans, goit it hard, then unzipped him and yanked his cock out which was perfect - not sure on size, but great length , big cut head and good girth. And I went to work. Kyle and Matt I heard laughing up front, but continued to suck him off for maybe 10 minutes before he shot a load and swallowed every drop.

We didn't have any place to go, so they parked a car in some business park back out of the way, and Kyle and Matt took turns in the backseat and fucked my throat and fed me a load each. Of course, my pussy was itching for cock at this point bigtime, so I asked all of them if anyone wanted to fuck me. Colton definitely was not into it (I suspect this may have been his first anything with a dude), Matt just blew, so was not up yet, but Kyle said sure. He was in the front passenger seat at this point, so I pulled my jeans off, climbed in front and sat on his cock facing him and rode it like a good fag. Hurt a little right at first since there was no lube, but once I got going, I could have gone all night. Matt dumped another mixture of baby juices in my pussy and then was spent as well. They let me dress, drove me back to my car, said good night and that was that. Just another day at the office! ;-)

I love when the Beavers lose....

Merry Christmas everyone.



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