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Every men have Genital Warts/Lumps? wtf


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Hello there... im back from my ban... while i was off, i was having a great time discovering new places of sex in my city Sao Paulo, here all of the places are open so yea... good..

My topic is about genital warts and lumps, im totally shocked because 60% of men im meeting have some kinda of lump or wart down there, sometimes EVERY men i touch in a night has some kinda of weird thing in their penis.... I wonder, is this that common??? And how do you differ a harmless/cyst from a HPV wart??? And ive noticed its very common between OLDER men, in younger ones its kinda rare

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This sounds strange. Warts are caused by the HPV virus, which most people will contract at some point in their lives, but most people clear the virus without showing symptoms. Some get warts, which can be treated. Certain strains of this virus can cause cancers of the throat, anus or penis (or cervix in women).

I can’t see why most men you fuck would have warts. I don’t know Sao Paulo but there’s a large Brazilian community in my country and I can’t say I’ve noticed any of them having warts.

Are you sure they’re warts? Look up “pearly penile papules” and “fordyce spots”. Is that what you’re seeing? If so, they’re harmless. Warts themselves are actually harmless as well, even if they’re not very nice to look at. The issue is that if you have one type of HPV infecting you, your may have other types as well, and some of the non-warty ones cause the cancers I mentioned.

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Guest nastymindindeed69

yeah. genital warts aren't permanent like herpes. you can get them treated or get rid of them yourself with apple cider vinegar. they might come back for a while but over time your body/immune system will clear the virus. there's also a vaccine for them too. the HPV vaccine. but there's many different strans of hpv so it doesn't give full protection but it's nothing permanent.  

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