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[Hot Pigg] JO at Penn Station


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Tuesday night I got totally plastered by a combination of Splash and a friendly straight bar my friend and I escape to. I walked him home and was doing good by passing the booths. I also didn't turn around like I sometimes do after dropping him off. I decided to take the train from Penn Station as it was only a few more blocks. That and being as beer sprints through you, I had to pee again. All innocent at this point.

So there is a bathroom at Penn known for it's cruisiness. I have been to here a few times but never acted on anything. It's also the bathing area for all the homeless people and is smelly and disgusting. But tonight was different.

I saw him as I entered. He was a hot Latin guy, fairly built, with blond highlights, primping himself in the large mirror when you first enter. I passed and went to pee. As soon as I finished peeing he started to walk to the urinals so I stayed where I was at. He of course chose the urinal right next to me. I started stroking and waiting for him to look. A minute later he did and we both did that backing up to see each other stroke thing. Some guys were paying attention but none could see from where they were. He zipped up, smiled and walked out the door. I followed.

Outside he started talking in broken English about needing internet Starbucks or some crap. I was drunk so I wasn't listening. I answered with, "We could see if we could get a stall in there." He went along and back we were. I went in first and all the way to the back with the stalls. Lady Luck wanted me to do this b/c a stall was available. I went in but didn't close the door all the way and just waited. A minute or two passed and he finally came in. He was nervous but we both began to jo. OMG his dick was HUGE. He popped that thing out and I swear I heard a pop. It was uncut and as thick as a salami roll. I blew it a bit then with back to jo. That was our routine. Jo, blo, jo, blo, jo blo. Then he lifted my head and began to jo again. I didn't want to stop but ok. He shot two loads on the floor then walked to the toilet to finish off. I was still jacking and loved the sight. Wish it was in me but oh well. I jacked harder b/c didn't want him to just run out. Then I saw the sight that made me blow. He had a wedding ring on. I couldn't hold it anymore. My first few shots hit the stall wall on the other side of me. Then rest landed on the seat and in the toilet. He laughed and was on his way. I collected myself and headed home as well.

Till next load...



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