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[Hot Pigg] Hot Pigg's Guide to Visiting the Booths


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You know you can get the best ideas at the strangest of times. So I'm at the booth tonight getting a blowjob from a friend for old times sake when this idea strikes me. Yes it does take me longer to cum b/c the idea is more interesting than the bj but still. Here goes nothing.

What to bring

1. Do not bring any expensive jewelry. Caught up in the heat of passion things can come off without you know.

2. Bring a small bottle of lube and small bottle of poppers. They may come in handy if your prey doesn't have them. I don't bring condoms obviously. You can. Maybe you can start a water balloon fight. That would be fun.

3. Wet wipes or napkins is a must. You can buy a box of prepackaged wet wipes like the kind you get at BBQ's for cheap. They are small and serve their purpose better than a wad of toilet paper from the bathroom or some rough ass McDonald's napkins. I like my ass dripping but cum all over my hand is a different story.

4. Always have singles on you in case you actually have to insert money. You don't want to miss out on a good piece of ass b/c your Jewish. I have five very close Jewish friends. I can say that.

What to watch out for

1. Usually the hottest guy there is an escort. Don't waste your money unless they charge you $50 for loading their ass. That's a good deal. Sell that suitcase.

2. Drunks can be hot and can be a threat. Watch if they are an angry drunk or a happy drunk. So what if they go into the first booth with someone as soon as they get there. If they are that slutty you will get them when they come out. What how they respond.

3. The loud obnoxious gay is always there. You will never get anything next to them. They will call you out everytime. "Oh you must like him better b/c I gave you that same eye. Are you going to fuck raw and load his ass!"

4. At the booth, tops look like bottoms and vise versa. Don't think you can tell based on looks alone. Some tops are closeted bottoms and come to the booths to fulfill their fantasies. Same goes for the bottoms.

5. Do not become that, "Oh he'll want me eventually" gay. If you obviously give the eye twice and get no response don't expect anything by the third time. I myself would rather just jo then do anything with someone I'm not into, being that I'm not on drugs and could care less. Guys have actually approached me as soon as I left and asked me why I didn't do anything. "B/c you were all trolls you asshole!"

6. This leads me to my next point. Just b/c they are hot does not mean you have a chance. It's like a bar. You will never know until you try. Just don't be pathetic and try repeatedly.

7. Watch for guys on drugs. Like drunk guys, they can be fun or harmful. They are more unpredictable and can be more violent though. Just watch them before pouncing. See how everyone else reacts.

8. The usuals will always be the usuals. Sometimes you can fuck them. Other times you don't. Some will be addicted if you are too good the first time. Try to act like they are coworkers. Wait till you are drunk to fuck them that way you can fall back on the "I was drunk" excuse to get rid of them.

Do's and Don't's

1. Do not put more than $10 in the machine. You most likely could have gotten a better piece of ass for free than for $10. If you can't then you should just be paying for it anyway from the comfort of your own home.

2. Never wear your favorite outfits to the booths. You may not be able to get out the stains. Trust me I know. Lost a good shirt to an unclean ass.

3. Never spend more than an hour or two there. If you are there longer then a movie you need more of a life or more confidence in yourself. Yes someone could walk in just after you leave but that's the case anytime any day. This only applies when you are not on drugs and your goal isn't to take as much cum as possible.

4. Do not become that guy that doesn't stop staring. If you make eye contact even for a second and he doesn't respond, it means he's not interested. Learn these signs.

5. Make sure to know where are you're belongings are as you take them off. I have lost a good belt and about 5 umbrellas this way.

6. Don't beg. If you talk to him and he seems uninterested. Leave it that way. Don't go to him three or four times in the night and think he's going to change.

7. Be aware of how much noise you make. If you want a crowd, great be as loud as possible. If you don't, then shut the fuck up. It's like waving meat in front of a starving cage of lions. You cannot blame them for their responses.

8. Do not show up unclean. EVERYONE can smell it. Not just you and the guy. Don't fuck it up for everyone.

9. If you must, bring the definition of "No" with you and reread it every time you hear it. Eventually you might understand what it means.

10. Remember that the crowd is different every night. Do not expect to be satisfied every time you go.

As I think of more I will let you know. Send me an email or post if you have more ideas to add.

Till next load...



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