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So let me fill you in on the drama and this will be the last I blog about it. So lets get some things understood. I am a pigg and love being one. With that said I do not expect to be one forever and am willing to bend other than to take a cock.

So we last left with me dating Robbie. Well Robbie was supposedly neg when we met at the gang bang where he was the bottom. He converted. That process put him in the hospital. Then he got syphillis. That when to his brain and he had to get and IV in his arm and wear it for 14 days. Then his Chrohn's disease acted up and put him in the hospital. This all happened back to back to back over a three month time span. Needless to say he began rethinking his life and how he wanted to take care of himself in the future. He decided he no longer wanted to be a slut and wanted a monogamous relationship. Did he discuss this with me? NO. He acted like a 24 year old and hid thinking it would all work itself out. By the time he had decided to talk to me about it, he had made his choice to split and not even attempt a monogamous relationship with him.

In efforts to prove I could do it, I deleted all my screennames and my blog. I got not even a text message from it. So we split two days before the new year. I'm not even going to go into the Christmas drama.

Now I'm back on the market again. I say I plan on being a slut for a while but who knows. I do plan to date only men older than me from now on. That means 28 and up. I'll fuck younger for sure and use them for the body they have but I'll leave it at that.

Now to those interested. I am wanting a hot TIM looking guy to party with me and whore me out. I'm really in the bottoming more and need to get filled. Not having as much luck with the whoring as I would like. Onesie twosies yes but not much group. Hit me up, HotPigg4u@yahoo.com. If you want me to travel to you I can but it will have to work with my work schedule so given that, I work retail management. Don't expect miracles right away.

Glad to be back. Till next load....



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