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[Montréaler] Paris holds the key to your heart...


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Alright so I'm not taken per say but its been continious non stop fucking with the frenchman and the attitude I'm getting by the other i've been fucking with I'm leaning towards only going with the frenchman. Had another amazing fuck session this weekend. First of all this guy is built fucking amazingly. hard big pecs biceps, legs and ass, just makes me melt. totally takes control when we are in bed, got a delicious 7.5 inch cock which loves my ass. There arnt many details about it because we often fuck 4-5 times everytime we meet, he goes in hard, dominates me, calls me his pussyboy and after he dumps a load cuddles me for 2-4 hours before waking up again and pushing a bottle of poppers under my nose. I dig this guy but he isnt in town long SO I will have to kiss him goodbye soon enough even though I dont want to. to be honest id date this guy if he was in montreal for good.

but i am meeting a hot daddy tonight:-) . I genuinely missed him.35861944-6012380427983162926?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


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