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[Montréaler] Apologies, Ranting and Gluttony


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Alright folks sorry for not updating or commenting in the last week. I had an insane week at school and lets just say I didnt come home before 11 30 pm any day of the week, except last night where I basically knocked out at 9 pm and woke up 11 am. Oh yeah did I mentioned I functioned on basically 23 hours of sleep from Sunday night to Thursday night. Though like the true homosexual, I watches the lezzie show, I mean the oscars... my thoughts... yet another year of irreverence for actually good movies and giving awards to either people they snubbed before or felt "were important"... yes melissa etheridge and Departed im looking at you. Glad marty won, now they can stop ranting about "how he has never won".

Alright thats not my real rant. My real rant is about guys who are on my msn who say "i see you must be busy with some other guy, ill talk to u later". Maybe im getting a glass of water, maybe im peeing, maybe im just writing and email or sending a msg to my friend. GET OVER YOUR SELF and your LACK OF SELF CONFIDENCE. jeez. it pisses me off. and ofcourse I never bed these guys. If they said "i guess you must be busy with something, catch you later?" i think they are a lil impatient but polite but saying I must be busy with another guy implies im a slut... (thats debatable... nah its true, but I wouldn't ditch a guy without telling him) and that I'm impolite.

Anyways onto Gluttony. Last friday like a dead man's last meal I knew I was going to have a crazy week so I wanted to hook up. found another mexican chap (seem to be getting quite a few of them recently) and he was perfect. about 6" tall, thickly built like a football player and had a fat cock. best part, he was bi-curious. Douche my ass and try a new thing, I squirt some lube up before using my douche.

When I get to his place he is fucking hot. Looks better than his pictures and soon enough we are making out on his bed even though I can tell kissing is something he isnt comfortable with. So I make better use of my mouth and move on down to his fat cock and start sucking on it. I can tell im driving him wild. To rip off J.Austen, its a universally known truth that a man in possession of a nice fat cock is my favourite thing to suck, and when I like a cock I'm sucking, its going to be one of the best blowjobs that man will ever get. (somewhere she recoils in her grave).

So hes getting nice and wet and hard and hes leaking precum, its tasty. Put him on his back and climb on top and lower my hole onto his cock. its thick and its stretching my cheeks open. A hit of poppers, it goes in better. I slide down to the root of his cock. He tells me i have a tight pussy, that gets my cock rock hard and oozing precum onto his stomach. I flex my ass muscles to milk his cock as I move up and down his cock, he starts playing with my nipples, oh fuck this is getting me going. I threw my head back and went to down on his cock and felt his hands massaging my ass. Before I knew it I was getting close so took my hands off of my cock and focused on his nips but it was no good good, within a minute of his rubbing my prostrate I shot a load all over his chest. I climed off of his dick and he pushed me onto my back and jerked off right onto my lips. His cum was pretty thick, not a lot but very very viscious.

A few hours later im online not looking to hook up when a guy I've spoken to a bit msgs me on msn. Says he is super horny and tells me he wants to come fuck me. I tell im him tired cos frankly I didnt know if I could take another dick. He asks me if the address I gave him a few months back was the same as now, I tell him yeah but im going to bed. He says okay but unlock your door. with that he signs off.

Im pretty tired by my cock betrays me and gets hard right away so I figure, if the mountain is gonna come to moses...

Get into my jockstrap (really getting into getting fucked in it) and climb into bed. 20 minutes later the buzzer goes off, I buzz him in, and he comes in and locks the door behind him. He strips off his clothes before he climbs into bed and starts making out with me. Lots of kissing soft making out, licking my nipples. im getting into this. Im on my back, my legs hooked with his elbows and hes rubbing his bare cock against my hole. Its driving him nuts feeling my hairy crack on his cock, each hair adding sensation onto his cock. He puts one of my legs over on his shoulder, spits a huge glob into his hand and rubs it into my hole. He continues to spit and work it into my hole and with the last one onto his cock. I reach for the poppers and take a hit as he places his cock agasint my hole. They start to work their magic and my head is spinning and my hole is hungry. and hes got some serious meat to feed it. He slowly pushes it in, all the while kissing me until he bottoms out in my ass.

We fuck like that for ages, him pausing to spit on his cock to keep my hole lubed, lots of kissing, him licking my nipples. I'm loving it cos hes totally making love to me until he cant hold it back no more and shoots inside me. I didnt get hard or cum but fuck, it was such a sensory overload with his tongue and dick.

Odd thing I realized about him, which happened once before too with another fuck of mine. no words were spoken the entire time.35861944-6587569416919059162?l=montrealerslife.blogspot.com


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