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[Skin On Skin] All in One Night - Part II (Old Fucktale)


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At Gym Bar, I ordered a drink and stood off to the side, cruising casually as hot guys passed by the narrow part of the room along the bar. I had already been frustrated twice tonight and I was determined to have sex or get bored trying.

I noticed a group of fun people towards the back and decided I'd go chat with them. They were laughing a lot, seemed pretty easy-going, and were cute, cuter, and hot.

The cute one was "Max," a bartender at a bar down the street. He was scruffy and trim, with blue eyes and light brown hair.

The cuter one was "Jon," and he was also a bartender. He had dark hair, brown eyes, a smooth face with big kissable lips, and a kick-ass body that I wanted to see more of.

The hot one was "Brian," a law student at a school in New Jersey, who was Italian, dimpled, scruffy and exactly what I was looking for that night.

I'll spare you the getting-to-know-you details, but after about half an hour we were all having a blast together. The other three had planned on going back to Max's place nearby for one last drink, and they invited me to go with them as they left. I happily tagged along.

Mind you, by this time, we were pretty happy from all the alcohol (and remember that open bar and that stop by Therapy?), so we were loud and obnoxious walking down 8th Avenue.

Max's place was a cramped studio in one of those Chelsea walk-ups that have nasty, smelly hallways, creaky stairs, and dim lighting. There was a bed, a TV, a minifridge, a small sink, and a microwave, but he had managed to Ikea it into a semi-fashionable state.

We sat on the bed and sipped a final drink when Max and Jon started kissing. I looked at Brian and he adjusted his cock while he watched the other two make out. I felt my own dick stiffening. I made my move and let my hand start to stroke his leg. He took the cue, turned to me, and kissed me.

Soon we were practically chewing on each other's faces, and the other two were stroking themselves watching us. That's when Jon grabbed Brian and started kissing him, and Max started kissing me.

Clothes came off, we switched off, arms and legs, cocks and asses brushed and stroked and teased as everyone got worked up into a frenzy of making out, cocksucking and stroking.

After a good ten minutes of that, Max pulled out a condom and lubed up his dick. I happened to be on my back with my legs over my head at that moment, and he lubed up my hole and stuck his sheathed dick into me.

Of all three, I wanted him least and certainly didn't want him wearing a condom. But I was horny and he was there, and he looked really good with his hairy chest flexed as he supported himself over me and thrust in and out of my ass.

He pulled out and moved his attention back to Jon, who seemed not very interested in me. Jon put on a condom and mounted Max's hole and the two started fucking.

Brian happened to be on his back with his legs in the air, but his dick was one of the most beautiful pieces I'd ever seen - about 8", cut, and perfectly shaped, I wanted it in me. Max had gotten me all lubed up, so I went for it.

I pulled his legs down, knelt over him, kissed him, and started to ease down on it. He moaned.

Max noticed this and looked alarmed. "Hey I have more condoms if you're going to do that," he said. Jon was watching too and became transfixed by the sight of Brian's beautiful dick sliding bareback into my hole.

I ignored Max's offer and let the dick do its work. Soon Brian was thrusting up into me vigorously, kissing me frantically and moaning. Jon continued to fuck Max, who alternated between fascination and horror at the raw fucking going on next to him. Jon's eyes remained glued to my ass.

Brian started to moan with a little more urgency and I whispered in his ear: "You can cum in me if you want."

"Ok," he panted.

A few more strokes and he started grunting, and I knew he was cumming inside me. My own dick swelled and I knew not to touch it if I wanted to avoid spraying Brian.

While Brian grunted and painted my insides, Max almost yelled, "Dude, what the fuck?!"

Jon had stopped fucking him, and watched with boned-up excitement what was happening beside him.

As I eased off Brian's cock, Brian kissed me gently and reached for a tissue. I felt cum starting to dribble out my hole.

I was surprised when Jon grabbed me, threw me on my back, and lined up at my hole. With a really loud, "SNAP!" he ripped his condom off, scooped up some of Brian's cum, and dived in.

His body was absolutely amazing, and I let my hands wander over his muscles as he rammed the fucking shit out of me.

Max's horror seemed to be melting away as he knelt to watch and started jerking off, having removed his own condom.

"Fuck that's hot," he said.

Jon smiled and kissed him.

The fucking lasted just a few minutes. When Max asked, "Are you going to cum inside him?" Jon said, "Yes," and looked at me. He looked deep in my eyes and said, "You ready for it?"

"Fuck yeah!" I urged.

"Hot," said Max, reaching over to jerk my cock for me. Jon fucked harder for a few strokes, then threw back his head and started moaning really loudly. "Ohhh! Uhhhhhhh! AAAAAAAAAGH!"

My cock, trembling and dripping precum, only needed a couple strokes from Max's hand to start shooting cream out in every direction.

Finally Jon just laid on top of me, panting. He carefully pulled out, making sure not to let any cum drip out.

I half expected Max to take his place at my hole and use me, but instead he put another condom on and fucked Jon till his load filled the latex.

It was almost 4 in the morning by that time, so after that I went home and grabbed a few hours sleep before work. But as I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but jerk off again picturing Jon and Brian's faces as they emptied their balls into my ass...8674591630844895504-1596555363979381466?l=skinonskinnyc.blogspot.com


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