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When You Get What You Ask For


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Yesterday I had just come off a pair of very bad, frustrating days of trying to host (so incredibly bad that I’m not going to host in Louisville anymore) and I responded to a summons from the Top back at home who wanted to fuck me. When I got to him, I told him about what had been happening, and ended with, “So now, what I really, really need is for you to basically fuck me in half.”

He didn’t ask any questions. He gave me some fresh poppers and told me to get well poppered-up, then set to work.

This man is a long-haul copulator, and always takes between one and one and a half hours for a complete fucking of me, nonstop. He has a standard set of about a half-dozen basic positions that he puts me in for every session, plus others that he mixes in for variety, most of these are chosen either because they give easiest access to assault a specific spot in my internal anatomy, or to give him the greatest depth into me. He seems to have an intuitive sense of just which position to use at which stage to hit a spot in me where stimulating it will be nearly unbearable.

Last night he worked me over for a while through two or three different positions, then set me on my knees on the edge of the bed, knees together, head on the bed - it’s a position that makes me feel extremely vulnerable, as it thrusts out and exposes my cunt and reduces everything about me to that one thing.

He entered me roughly, and began deep power-fucking. He kept at it, ramming his cockhead deep into the walls of my gut until it became uncomfortable. I tried to will myself to expand internally to accommodate him, but it seemed like any extra space I made just encouraged him to go deeper and harder.

I’m always vocal, so I’m always making some sort of grunt, growl or moan in response to being fucked, but I must at some point have begun to whimper a little in distress because he suddenly shifted gears; he seemed to become invigorated, more determined. He thrusted faster, harder. I started hearing the squelching, sloshing sound from my cunt it makes when it’s super wet, and he did, too: “Oh, fuck yeah,” he said.

Then he picked up my dildo, slid it into me, and began rapidly raping me with it, so fast, so hard, and so deep I couldn’t adapt to it quickly enough. I hunched, bucked, tried to stretch, but he held me firmly in place and kept sawing it in and out of me. I began to sob quietly, then more desperately, and finally, against everything I believe, I cried out, “Please, please stop, please sir” - He might as well have been stone deaf. He didn’t even break pace.

After a moment, I realized there was nothing I could do that was going to stop him, and my body just sagged. At that point he paused, then joined his cock with the dildo, double-penetrated me, thrusting them both in and out. I was sobbing openly now. It’s not that he hadn’t done it before - he had, lots of times - but in that position, at that intensity, at that depth, it mastered me utterly.

My complete defeat seemed to exhilarate him. He yanked the dildo out and began fucking me furiously, banging balls-deep with every thrust, and said, “Oh, fuck I’m going to cum so deep in you...”

And he did, wave after wave.

That wasn’t the end. He always loads me at least twice, and we then shifted straight to an intense missionary position until he blew again.

But it was the first time he had ever broken me that way, and he did it because, basically, I asked him to.

 I am not sorry to have asked for what I did, and I am not sorry he responded as he did. He is a consummate Top - he had an innate understanding of what he needed to do, and what I needed as a submissive, and administered it decisively and effectively.

Have any of you ever asked for something - and gotten it - and been sorry you asked? Or gotten something else that you really needed instead?

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I get fucked semi-regularly by a total top T-gurl who always says she wants to see me suck a cock while she fucks me. I always say yes to that, but, it never happens. 
She’s from out-of-state and visiting me tonight. I’m waiting in the parking lot outside the motel while her “friend” she casually mentioned in a text when I arrived gets ready “for a pageant” and will be leaving in short order. 
I think I already know what the night has in store for me. 

Im still saying yes…

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