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[Skin On Skin] Model-beautiful, horse-hung college hunk


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I went to G Lounge the Saturday night after Southern boy spermed my ass beyond anyone's wildest dreams. This was during a little period of unemployment I had during that part of the year, so I was being conservative with my spending and wasn't drinking much. Conversely, the people I had gone with were absolutely wasted by about 1 AM, leaving me alone as they went to have sex.

I noticed a small commotion and glanced over to see a tall, absolutely gorgeous guy turning heads as he walked across the room. He had blue eyes, dark/sandy hair, and one of the most perfect faces I've ever seen.

He got a drink, and came to stand alone near me. Now, if you've been to G, you know that it basically consists of a round bar area, and you sort of stand along the edge feeling awkward and trying to feel/look attractive. He had no problem pulling off the pose, but he definitely looked as uncomfortable as I felt.

I'm an attractive guy and I get my share of really cute people, but no one this gorgeous had happened across my bed before, so I had no sexual expectations for the encounter. Even so, I was nervous. I swallowed hard and walked over.

"Hey, you know the time?" I cringed internally at my weak opening line. He told me.

"Getting late!" I exclaimed. "You here with friends?"

"No," he replied. "You?"

"I was, but they left to have sex," I said with the most charming shrug I could muster. He laughed and I began to relax. He told me his name - for here, I'll call him "Jerry."

We went on to really get along and hit it off, and the conversation moved to the area of boys and such. Then, out of the blue, he turned to face me, and leaned down to kiss me. We made out right there in the bar for a few seconds. He was a really good kisser.

"Ok, we got that out of the way," he said with a laugh. I noticed that we had gathered a bit of an audience - or, more accurately, he had probably gathered a bit of an audience. Seriously, the guy should either do porn or something where he can make money from his beauty.

We talked a bit more, and then were interrupted by a girl who came up and said, "So, I just want you to know that you are fiiiiiiiiine." He laughed and said, "Thank you."

She continued: "My friend over there thinks you're really hot and he wants you to stop by and say hi." I glanced over. Her friend was a Chelsea boy in a muscle t-shirt, with perfect hair, etc. He looked a little embarrassed, but he was much more the kind of guy I would have thought Jerry would go for.

Jerry put his arm around me and said, "Tell him he's really cute too but I think I'm all set for tonight." That earned Jerry huge good-guy cred with me forever.

When she left, he said, "Why don't we get out of here?"

He didn't have to ask me twice. We hopped in a cab and headed to his apartment, which we had to do because he had houseguests arriving in the early morning. It was waaaaay uptown (Columbia area - so on top of being drop-dead gorgeous, this asshole was also Ivy League... the bastard).

In the cab we made out the whole way. I resisted the urge to move my hands below the waist.

When we got to his place, it was definitely a student apartment - small, with not much furniture, mostly decorated with unframed posters. We talked and drank a little more. The HIV disclosure went well, then he led me to his bed.

We kissed in the dark, and then the clothes started coming off. He said, "I want to see you in the light," and turned on the lamp on his night stand.

Then he dropped his jeans, and I was stunned by what was probably the biggest dick I've seen with my own eyes. It was easily 9.5 inches, really thick, and straining against his boxers. My surprise must have registered ambiguously on my face:

"Oh, I know," he said. "Ugh. Every time I meet a cute boy, I'm wearing the stupidest underwear!"

"I don't think anyone's mind focuses on the underwear... that's... HUGE!" I replied.

He laughed and squeezed it through the fabric. "Yeah, it's pretty big."

"Well, if you don't like this underwear, we'd better get you out of it," I said, in my best sexy voice. This prompted - laughter.

"You are such a dork," he said, dropping the underwear and kissing me again. By this time I was naked too and our boners pressed against each other. I was much shorter both in height and in penis-length, and his dick reached well past my belly button. To my delight, he was uncut. I couldn't help but imagine it inside me.

I dropped to my knees and swallowed as much as I could of the monster dick, giving him the most passionate blowjob I may have ever given outside a relationship. His precum was notably flavorless, which I kind of liked - and he precame a lot.

His bed was really low to the ground, so I got up onto my feet and slowly led him backwards while continuing to suck him like crazy. Then I knelt on the bed, licked his balls for a while, and jerked his cock using his precum as lube. He was a groaner and had a hard time keeping his voice down, which turned me on even more.

Soon he pushed me on my back and gave me a very good blowjob for a few minutes. I noticed he was jerking his own cock, keeping it nice and hard. With all that precum, it glistened in the light from the bedside lamp.

Then we made out some more and rolled around on the bed for a while. He ended up on his back and I went back to slobbering all over his dick.

He pulled me up to kiss him, and given his height I found that his dick was pointed right at my hole. While kissing him, I started to massage his head into my ass, feeling the foreskin start to pull back.

"You can get a condom if you want," I told him. He responded by pushing into me from below and groaning.

"No condom," he said.

I was beginning to get quite used to the fact that guys often don't care about condoms if they're topping, so I just let it happen and was glad to feel it.

I had a difficult time taking such a big, thick cock, but I took it. It was a good thing he pumped out so much precum, as it really slicked up the head well. He was kind of a herky-jerky top, fucking me kind of raggedly and unevenly... and it worked really well for us.

It started to hurt, so I asked him if he had any lube. He responded by putting me on my back, spitting in his hand, and sticking the glistening monster back in, only about two inches deep. He fucked rapidly for about a minute, just in and out a few inches, and finally he started almost yelling.


The moment when a guy cums in me is the most exciting moment during sex for me and as you may have noticed I try to time my orgasm to that moment. This was no different. His orgasm shook him violently, and he grunted like a bodybuilder as he started to shoot: "UH!!! UH!!!!" His face contorted, and I gripped the back of his neck and kissed his forehead firmly as I jerked myself over the edge and shot a load all over my chest.

We cleaned up and went to sleep.

A couple hours later, his buzzer rang and he went to let the houseguests in. They went right to bed in the living room and he came back to me. We cuddled some, and then he got hard again and I jerked him off again. As he got close, he said, "I want to cum in you again. Can I?"

I nodded yes. My ass was a little sore from the athletic fuck he had unleashed on me before with that beast, but this would be too great to pass up. I lifted my leg and he popped the head in just in time to very quietly grunt and groan while he creamed me again.

In the morning, we became Facebook friends and we hang out every so often even now. We had sex one more time, months later, but it felt weird for some reason, so now we're just friends without benefits. I do secretly hope to not only watch him seed a hot bottom someday, but to have a repeat again!8674591630844895504-4422309601630120456?l=skinonskinnyc.blogspot.com


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