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[Skin On Skin] Old Fucktale - With a Friend


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Sorry again for being away. I've decided not to tell the story of why I was gone for so long. Here's all the information you need: I had a lot of action (some of which I was supposed to catch you up on before my disappearance), got sick sometime during my absence, got fat while I was sick, started HIV medicine, got better, lost weight and only recently felt confident enough to start having sex again.

Good to be back! I kept a diary for my own purposes (a spreadsheet, with lots of details), so rest assured that the ensuing fucktales from my absence are true.

Now, where was I? Ah, yes.

So back in the spring, as you know, I was really looking good, feeling good and having a lot of sex. One memorable occasion found me caught in the rain on Broadway and Astor with a friend of mine. We had been drinking at Pieces, which was (and still is, depending on the night) enjoying a period of hotness rarely seen by a West Village gay bar these days. "Kevin," as I'll call him, was walking me to my train and was going to stop and get some pizza before going home, which was nearby on 14th St.

Whereupon, we were splashed by a taxi. After screaming various New York-style obscenities after the driver, we realized we were both shivering. I couldn't imagine getting on the subway all wet like that in the cold, and he then had no interest in pizza. He suggested I come back to his place for some dry clothes.

So, we hurried there and stripped. He dived into his bed and covered up. I jokingly asked if he could accommodate one more in there and he held the comforter up. I jumped in and we warmed ourselves together for a second. His body was warm and firm (he's a runner), and I could feel his heart pounding when I rested my head on his chest.

As gays will do, we got totally hard within about two minutes and started making out.

Kevin is this hot Asian guy with a smooth, hard chest and a 4-pack leading down to one of the larger uncut Asian cocks in the world. I gave it a lick and launched into about three minutes of excellent blowjob action. He's pretty strong, and he flipped me over onto my back to suck me for a while. He was almost too respectful about it and I had to give him some verbal encouragement to get a little more aggressive.

Once he got going, he flipped me onto my stomach and started eating my ass.

"Dude, you sure you want to do that without a shower?" I asked. I can't stand the smell or taste of a sweaty ass and I kind of hate rimming or being rimmed in general (as I think I've mentioned on here). But he seemed to get into it so I let him go.

He then came up to kiss me, which grossed me out but I gave in to it and let him. He had really kissable lips and before long I got into it. Then I was surprised to feel his foreskin on my hole, followed by pressure from the head.

"Um, want to get a condom?" I asked him. Kevin is a pretty good friend and knew both my HIV status and my love of bareback sex. I also knew that as far as he knew, he was HIV-.

He responded by flipping me onto my back again, lifting my legs, and spitting on my hole. He laughed, kissed me again, and started pushing in.

"You like it better this way, don't you?" he asked.

So he started fucking, and I gave in. I closed my eyes and let him take control, feeling the luxuriously soft bed and pillows surrounding me and contrasting against his hard, thrusting body.

"You want me to cum inside you?" he asked. I could tell he really wanted to. Just then a clap of thunder sounded outside the building, and we both laughed.

"You'd better pull out," I advised. He kept thrusting and then just held still. "Fuck, I'm cumming," he said, unloading in me. He locked eyes with me and stroked my face gently, then kissed me. I felt his dick jerk a little and start to go soft.

That was my cue, and I jerked my cock until I splashed my body and his pillows with my own cum.

I immediately felt regret. There's a huge sense of very real responsibility to being poz, and sometimes we all want things that aren't good for us. When we're HIV- and with a poz guy, sometimes we want to do things that could hurt us. I don't like the idea of hurting anyone.

Kevin is still HIV-, and while we haven't had sex since April, he tells me it was still the best sex of his life. So I don't feel too guilty... but I'm sure I would feel pretty bad if he had become infected.

Thanks for sticking with me during my absence, guys!8674591630844895504-5919937245159807371?l=skinonskinnyc.blogspot.com


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