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[Skin On Skin] Fucked in Inwood


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Sorry for being absent. I've been doing a job search, sort of without success, and I've also had some fairly shitty health issues going on. Not loving it. Those readers who are HIV-, there are good reasons to stay that way and just read my blog to get your bareback thrills, lol.

From a fucktale standpoint, I have a lot of catching up to do to get you up to date. As I hinted in my last post with the video, I had a hot fuck a while back with an amazing, lean-bodied African-American dude in Inwood.

I met him on Manhunt, as I tend to do. It was specifically through my Skinonskin blogging account, so he didn't even get to see a face pic - kudos to him for trusting me to not be a hideous manhag (a new word I'm going to start spreading... join me!).

Anyway, so after about three months on the uptown A train, I got off at his stop and walked to his house. There's an actual freakin' farmhouse on the hill there. That's how weird and distant that neighborhood is. I admire people who have the wherewithal to live there. I couldn't do it. I guess I'm a Chelsea/Hell's Kitchen snob.

I buzzed his number and he let me in. I walked up three flights of stairs to his place, rang the door bell, and waited. He opened the door and was even cuter than his pictures.

He smiled and pulled me inside. We made out in the hallway for a second and he led me straight to the bedroom and closed the door. He unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall to the ground. He wasn't wearing underwear, and a large, beautiful black dick flopped out. He was not wasting any time! He was half-hard and I dropped to my knees to get him the rest of the way there.

Soon he was hard and dripping precum.

Up to this point, very little had been spoken, and I was sort of turned on by that. I'm not usually into frantic, practically anonymous scenes, but he had such a lean body and such a great cock that I was kind of getting into it.

I stood up and he kissed me once, hard and deep. Then he unbuttoned my coat, threw my scarf on the floor, ripped off my shirt, unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down. With my shoes still on and my pants around my ankles, he bent me over face down on the bed and lubed up my ass and his cock.

Silently, he entered me. I pulsed my ass muscles to ease him in, but it was still hurting a little bit. Eventually, he got all the way in and I slowly got accustomed to his size.

He started fucking harder and harder. It was one of those instances that bottoms love, when you can feel the whole length of a long dick and it feels like the top is penetrating halfway up the inside of the torso. I breathed deeply to bear the sensation and ground back to hold him deep for a minute, enjoying the fullness.

He took that chance to kick my pants the rest of the way off with his foot, and I helped by pushing my shoes off. He withdrew long enough to flip me on my back and pull off his white wife-beater. His abs were so amazing I found myself poking at them with my index finger.

Then he was kissing my neck and his massive dick was grinding back into my wet, welcoming ass. He got in deep, and I looked at his eyes, as I ran my hand over his beautifully full lips, his stubbled cheek, his closely-cropped hair. I gripped the back of his neck and gave over to the bucking, unrelenting assramming he was unleashing on me. I couldn't help but just grunt on each thrust of his hips. He started breathing heavily.

"Where do you want the nutt?" he asked. (I've now read enough gay porn that I know that "nutt" is the proper spelling.)

My initial internal monologue was, "Um, you read my blog. You know where I want the nutt." Then it dawned on me he wanted me to beg for it. So I did.

"Shoot it up my fuckin ass, man," I said.

"Louder," he insisted. I obliged, urging him on as he got closer and closer, and finally he let out something that sounded like "Gah!" and he let loose, shooting his load deep inside my guts. As usual, that was all I needed to paint my chest and abs white with a good four or five-squirt load.

After that, we cleaned up and talked briefly about life, about our respective HIV experiences (he has a shitty doc, I referred him to mine), and about other stuff that I've forgotten about since it's been a while.

I went home feeling very satisfied.8674591630844895504-1004925177403487313?l=skinonskinnyc.blogspot.com


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