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[Skin On Skin] Ok, Yesterday's is the SECOND Hottest Ever


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Um, this is unbelievable. The ABSOLUTE hottest thing I think I've ever seen. I had caught a part of it before on BareDerek's (sadly) defunct blog, but never the whole thing, with the fucktacular ending. As with the other, link is below in case the embed doesn't look good on your screen.

In case you haven't guessed, I'm so busy with work this week that I'm not hooking up much.

Without further ado:


As always, if you own this video and you would like me to take it down, please contact me at skinonskinnyc@gmail.com and I will promptly remove it. Or, even better, give me a link to a place where my readers can buy your video and let this video show them exactly why they should!8674591630844895504-5270829026111144992?l=skinonskinnyc.blogspot.com


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