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[Frat Boy] Happy New Year


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Well, here it is, the first day of 2010, which also happens to be the first day of a year I've been sort of planning for quite a while now. My ultimate overall goal for this year is that it be one in which I shed any last lingering doubts, concerns, inhibitions, self-consciousness, and any other obstacles to me living the life and becoming the sexual creature I've known my whole life that I want and need to be, since I've become increasingly certain over the years that to do so will be the key to realizing my potential and my most inherent needs.

I'd been planning to keep a sort of record of the year ahead and my attempts, be they successful or less so, to finally match my actions with my desires and thoughts, a public record in blog form, as while my sexual adventures, thoughts and efforts to come are primarily on my own behalf, as is to be expected, a part of what makes my ideal sex life so terrifically hot in my mind is the notion of sharing it in some way with other guys who for whatever reason liked or got turned on by what I do, how I think and essentially who I am. That's definitely not to say that I expect that from others by any means - I couldn't be further from being that egotistical and self-confident. But as much as things like getting my hole full of cum turn me on, I get twice as turned on by someone getting turned on by me getting my hole full of cum. (Wrap your head around that if you can!) So whether one solitary guy stumbles upon my 2010 journal and enjoys himself or a hundred guys do so, I'll love it all so much more for knowing someone else is getting some kicks out of this stuff too.

Since my ideas on the aforementioned public blog are more suited to a different blog host, I won't be using this particular one anymore, as I started this sort of as a leadup trial run for myself and didn't expect much if any readership at any time. However, as I've heard from several guys over the last month or so who somehow found their way here and seem to have enjoyed what they found (which I love, and apologize that I've been slow replying to such messages lately!), I thought I'd put a little transitional ending here instead of vanishing into thin air!

If you feel so inclined you can pop over to fratcumdump.wordpress.com from now on; keep in mind that it may not be fully functioning for a little bit while I get it all up and started. At some point I'll export my posts from this blog over there as well.

Thanks for reading, and happy new year!6417541657525091714-2474854734945889599?l=fratboycuntdiary.blogspot.com


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