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[Frat Boy] Deedlee-Deet-Dee Dee...Two Bottoms


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This evening I was simultaneously overwhelmed by the minute margin of error involved in paying December rent (particularly as I determined, after careful calculation, that the entire balance of my checking account, the check I received this afternoon from my father, the $20 I accidentally overpaid a friend when repaying a small loan a couple months ago that she is determined to give me, and the five loose dollar bills in my wallet added up to the exact amount of the rent check, before remembering the five dollar fee that is to be placed on my impending request for a cashier's check...the whole thing is sadistic) and desperately not in the mood to remain alone the rest of the evening that I accepted an unusually open and beneficent-sounding invitation to pay a visit to (and share in the resources of) a kind if markedly average-looking 40 year old Venezuelan in Pasadena. I'd subsequently laid tentative plans with a 26 year old from Long Beach who would have been a far better match had he contacted me literally three minutes earlier than he did, as I refuse to play the inconsiderate, selfish white boy in his 20s by doing things like blowing off a kind offer that I had already accepted in favor of something younger and whiter.

He actually looked better than his pictures, which was an improvement from potentially homely to benignly inoffensive average-ness; score one for my host. Scores two through four hundred came as I discovered he was indeed every bit as selfless, understanding, open and a good host as he'd claimed to be. I decided not to take the next step with the boy from Long Beach, only to run into him a bit later online and foolishly succumb to his invitation to ditch my host and schlep down the 110 for some supposedly fun fucking around. Then just as the plan went into effect (with the worst timing ever), I somehow couldn't bring myself to go through with the planned charade, and my unusually hard cock ended up deep in his hairy but accommodating hole.

If I may make a note in case anyone cares or might be affected by this someday, I do appreciate (if not fully believe still) when a person is genuinely complimentary about my physical appearance and attributes, as this particular host turned out to be extraordinarily keen on being. However, when I'm trying to fuck around (or really, for that matter, pretty much any other time as well), I don't like a general tone of pseudo-romanticness, or otherwise sweetness. It does not advance my sexual quest to hear a person compliment my smile, my eyes, or other compliments that involve the words "cute" or "beautiful" (unless the latter is used about a sexual part, in which case that is both flattering AND a turnon). And of course I feel like the most pompous and ungrateful lout whenever this kind of situation happens, and could (and should) never actually share this abnormally unappreciative fact with someone who has spent some amount of time and effort paying me compliments that I would have killed to have gotten from ANYONE at any time five or six years ago as I was drowning in the cruelly shallow West Hollywood bar gay culture. Instead, I typically smile politely and hope the well-intentioned patron correctly analyzes my oft pointedly blank expression and changes tack.

But I learned that the situation I just described tended to only exist whenever my dick was not inside his ass, and therefore made every effort to see that that was not the case as much as possible. And finally I was enjoying myself (physically) so much that I asked permission to cum (meaning no pulling out, which is my rule as a rare top as well as bottom), was granted it, and enjoyed the most glorious orgasm inside his hole that I suspect might still be making its way out of his ass. It was a lot of cum, especially for me.

And to his credit, as I made sure to tell him, he did have the kind of opening that is the only one for which I will undertake the role of top for any amount of time - my fucked up way of complimenting what I consider a great hole. He was a genuinely decent guy and I was more than happy to add him to the short list of guys I've bred. And I should be sexually satisfied now for at least the bulk of the day ahead. This is always a good thing on a work day.6417541657525091714-7491969373546127053?l=fratboycuntdiary.blogspot.com


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