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Bottoms, what was your favourite place for finding straight guys?


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I found straight guys in the park, at nude beaches, and while hitchhiking at night. Recently,  when the overpowering urge to find straight guys took hold of me, I went to a nearby park late at night and, while in the park, I thumbed rides. Before long, a car slowly drove by and parked a short distance from where I was standing. The driver looked back at me and said: "Hey dude, come over here."  I walked over to the car to talk to him. At that time of the night, the smell of beer on his breath wasn't too surprising. He was a young guy, fairly handsome and butch, likely a mechanic, I assumed, because of his rough ways. Anyhow, he asked me what I was doing in the park that late at night. I simply told him that I couldn't sleep and decided to walk through the park to look for some action. He asked, "what kind of action are you looking for?" I said I'm just here to have some fun. He offered me a beer which I accepted. We talked for a while about trivial things while I drank my beer. He kept looking at me for the longest time, then, as I anticipated, he sprung the question which likely had already been formed in his mind when he first glanced at me: "Do you give head?" I answered his question right away and told him that I always give head to good looking guys. He told me that he couldn't get his girlfriend to suck his cock, so he had to find a way to get what he wanted. He leaned back on his seat, stretched out his legs, and told me to show him what I could do. I unzipped his jeans, pulled his jeans and underwear down below his knees, gently squeezed his cock and licked the precum that oozed from his cock, then I slowly began licking all the sensitive areas around the head of his cock before putting his cock in my mouth. He had a fairly huge cock but I was able to at least take half of his cock in my mouth and began sucking it. Within a few minutes, he started moaning as his cock throbbed in my mouth releasing a huge load of delicious cream which I swallowed right away. I kept sucking his cock because I knew from experience that a young guy like him  had more in store to give me. Sure enough, after sucking his cock for at least 20 minutes, I was rewarded with another mouth full of cum. After licking his cock clean, I pulled his shorts and jeans over his knees so that  he could finish dressing himself. We talked for a while before I left him. He told me that I was a natural cocksucker and that he wanted to see me again soon. He gave me his telephone number and I walked home more than satisfied with what had happened and fantasising about my next adventure with this sexy guy.

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I public places like bathrooms, parks, bike paths, and such I don't usually ask guys a lot of questions and honestly, they don't share a lot of information either. We're there to do our thing and more on. I sometimes get a sense of visual cues that a guy is straight but I sure the hell am not gonna ask! I get kind of leery anyhow with white trash, redneck, or sketchy guys anyhow. I'll take their load or give them mine but I'm not wanting their life history.

If anything I get hit up on by straight guys more off of Kik and websites than apps. Straight guys prefer to hide in plain site. A GF or wife won't think twice about Kik as a lot of people use it. Grindr would be a red flag. They're usually on websites as they can cover their tracks more easily deleting their cache and user history. I don't go chasing after straight guys but they do seem to zero in on me or I've got something going on they like. Part of it is probably my vibe as I'm very laid back and let them take the lead and don't judge.

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Showing my age here, but I used to get straight cock off of internet chat rooms back in the late 90's.  I'm talking the more local Yahoo and MSN ones; occasionally it would be on gay.com back when you didn't really need to create a whole profile, but as time went on that got less and less.


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