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Ok, so first off, I'm not a medical doctor and I'm not recommending anything. Antibiotic resistance is also a thing and reckless use of antibiotics is not advisable.

Having said that, I've been using minocycline (100mg per day; 3 month  prescription) for adult acne and I strongly suspect it's been keeping me clean of garden variety bacterial STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis) just based on probability of population prevalence and number of times I've had sex. I looked it up and oral minocycline at that dose is actually an effective treatment for all three of those bacterial sti's, even syphilis (though only early and like a 2 week period). I'm also on prep and would have caught these every 3 months anyways when I have to renew but I kinda like the idea that I'm not picking these up and spreading them in the interim. The minocycline has a good safety profile and I have to be on them anyway for acne. I just thought I'd mention an observation. Again, not recommending anything but def an unexpected benefit.

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Yeah. There are other threads on this forum about Doxycycline doing the same thing. Sadly I can’t get on that bandwagon as I’ve never suffered from acne. If anyone knows how else I can get a script that’d be appreciated.


Oh, didn't realize it was a thing. That's awesome, thanks man.

Oh never suffered from acne have you? 🙄 must be nice. Dunno, maybe find a friend who does and just pay him? It was cheap, like under 10 bucks for a 3 month supply

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