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[Frat Boy] Slutty Stories from the Past Week Coming Up


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I have a lot of catching up to do since my last post, as I've managed to get a lot of cocks in my hole since then; and I promise to get up to date right after what I'm getting ready to head out to right now: my first bareback sex party. I've never gone to one before, whether it was before the rule change, or more recently I chickened out or just couldn't commit to one and follow through with it, and this weekend I decided to start just doing all the hot slutty things I want to do but never manage to make happen, either by my own or others' fault.

I'll write all about it afterwards, but as an intro, it was put together by a hot black stud I've been chatting with for a good while now but never manage to meet either (another reason I have to go to this!) and another guy, at the San Vicente Inn, which I haven't been to in years. Apparently 27 guys invited, so we'll see what the turnout is. I don't have any goals or expectations since it's my first one, I just want to have that first experience at the very least. Plus if I just start doing these slutty things more often they won't seem so intimidating or scary.

And I really want some hot nasty fun tonight. So I'll post how it went as soon as I'm out of there.6417541657525091714-8127919100544346251?l=fratboycuntdiary.blogspot.com


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