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Ginger crush


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Does any of you has a strong preference for hair color? I have a thing for ginger. When I was a kid I was watching a kid show (lmao) about a football team (more like a football drama). I was too young to feel attraction obviously but I really liked a character there. Recently I felt nostalgic and looked back at the show. That guy was ginger. That made me thing that although I was little my mind was set up about what I like. Somehow red hair tickled my curiosity or something. I always wanted to have a bf that was ginger. And my bf is indeed ginger. Looking his hair and his short beard stuns me. We're for almost 10y together and I still can't get enough of his gingerness. Quite recently I read a tiny poem on a King's novel


'your hair is winter fire,

january embers.

my heart burns there too


a little weird but it touched me. Does anyone else has a thing for a particular color?

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Mmm...fuck yeah. Have a TOTAL weakness for red headed guys. When I first started hooking up outside of buds one of the first guys was a red head and he was probably the most amazing fuck I've ever had. It was like he was keyed into what I wanted sexually, how to arouse me, and really drew me out of myself. I wanted to throw myself at him, to date, whatever, but he insisted it had to be casual as he had a GF. I was so jealous of her and that she got to have him all the time. He always seemed to know how to scratch every sexual itch I had, was very giving and caring. Liked that I wanted to do three ways and group stuff and made it happen. I don't want to share his picture, but he looked a LOT like this guy. I still hear from him all these years later but sadly we don't hook up as often as we used to. He and his GF are now engaged, but he has a younger guy he hooks up with more frequently.


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