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Coming out…


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So, I have been here a while, but I’m actually quite a shy closeted straight acting guy.

I have been together with My girl for 18 years now and have been taking and sucking cock for almost every yeah of that relationship (and before that).

Next to that, I have been crossdressing since I was young, with a profile on fetlife and other places.

But untill now, I wasn’t ‘out’ to friends or family. My girl know about the crossdressing and detests it, she knows Nothing about the cocks.

She has a lot of gay friends, so last week I contacted the one I trust the most, and after Some whatsapp Messages I outed the crossdresser bit.

He was totally cool with it, knew Some people who do it as well, and was up for a real life chat if I wanted to.

That chat is tonight, as My girl is abroad (so yes, I crossdressed last night).

Really looking forward to talking bout this to someone I know.

Really looking forward to additionally revealing that I’m bisexual and have Someone I know in the know.

Slightly worried that the bisexual bit, and the taking cocks bit, Will lead to him informing My girl (he is her friend after all).

But, if he is a member here, reads this and recognizes me in this post: yes I trust you, but I also think you are incredibly hot and I hope we’ll fuck tonight.

(Sorry for all the capital letters, typing this on a mobile is annoying.)

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I hope your experience went well. I also hope it gives you the courage to live your life authentically, as I can't imagine living my life while hiding such a huge part of it from someone who's supposed to be a life partner.

I mean, not to sound too harsh, but it seems to me she's only with a facade of a person - the facade she believes exists as a real man - when in fact the actual man behind the face is very, very different.

Now, I get that coming out is a process, that it doesn't always go smoothly, that it can be quite scary, and that it can disrupt your life tremendously. Of course it can. It seems to me that if your girlfriend is detesting cross dressing, she's certainly not going to approve of you having sex with other people, much less with men. So being the real you probably - though not absolutely - means giving up this relationship. And that's got to be frightening.

But wouldn't it be worth it, to stop the sneaking around? To not have to hide a substantial portion of who you are from the person you're supposed to be closest to?

Right now, there's a big part of your life that's hidden under a bandage. The problem with bandages is that stuff underneath them tends to fester if not cared for. Sometimes it's best to rip the bandage off and give some tender care for what's underneath it.

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