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[Toxic Twinks] Interview With A Young Cumdump


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I get a lot of fan mail and one guy caught my attention a little more than most:

"hi. a guy i know told me about ur blog and stuff. im 18 and i live in FL tho im from CA (mvoed here a year ago with my family). anyways he mentioned u were lookin to talk to other young guys who r trying to get hiv. i dont think im really tryin to get hiv. i jsut dont care i guess u could say lol. and i guess it also kinda turns me on the thought of gettin it. but anyways i dont really know what youre lookin for or what kinda info or anything but just figured it'd be cool to write cuz its kinda cool knowin there r other young guys who think about this stuff. ttyl!"

I wanted to know more about him. I've shared my stories and opinions about barebacking and chasing, so I thought you'd like to know about some other people's stories and views. I asked him if he'd like to be interviewed for my blog and he agreed but wanted to remain anoynamous.

First thing, give me a little introduction of yourself for my readers, like your stats, sexual interests, anything else interesting and unique we should know about you. Secondly, tell us about how, why, when you got into barebacking.

"well i'm 18 and 6'1 155. im white blond with brown eyes. im actually from cali like i mentioned before but moved to fl last summer cuz my dad got a job out here. which kinda sucked cuz i still had to do my senior year of HS. so i was sorta pissed i had to leave cali and all my friends to move to a new place just for sr. year. but whatever lol i graduated and now just figurin out where to go to college. ima to CC for a semester or year before probably goin back to cali.

sexually i guess im more a bottom but i sorta gotta big dick lol so end up topping a lot just cuz guys want me to. parta how i got in to the whole bb thing i guess. because i met this older dude online he was like 28 and guys my age seem to always want me to fuck them but this guy was totally in to just fuckin me all i wanted and even finding other tops for me. we didnt rreally like talk about bb or anything but just never used rubbers when we fucked. and after we did that a few times we'd talk online or text eachother about sex when we werent hangin out and thats when he really started talkin about bareback stuff and gettin me even more turned on about it lol.

before that id only ever did shit with a bf i had out in cali. but i wasnt out of the closet in cali and so this bf was the only guy i ever did shit with and we always did it bb also but not cuz we were super in to that but because its all we really knew about haha. so it was just the normal thing to do.

but anwyays so with this freind out here in FL i started hangin with him more and more and he knew other guys he'd have come over to his place while we were fuckin around for us to have 3ways with. and we even went to orlando a few times and would have guys over at our hotel there. and it was always bb whenver we had someone over. like he'd actually post on craigslist askin for guys in to bb or go on to sites lookin for guys in to bb. which was just all real hot to me and thats what got me in to it more and more. and he'd invite guys over to fuck me. so it was hot because i was pretty much gettin fucked as much as i wanted and they were always cute guys lol. my friend is kinda loaded and so sometimes he hires an escort for me or us. but he also just seems to always have young guys around too. hes chill and cute and has a lotta money so thats prolly why lol. even tho hes older than all of us. but i think thats what really got me in to it more and more. me and him never talked about chasing or gettin poz but he did sometimes mention a guy he was chattin to online to invite over was poz and if i cared and i always said no at first but just kinda eventually stopped saying no esp. if the guy was super hot. but it was mainly when me and him would text eachother or chat online in between the times we'd hang out that he'd really start sayin kinky shit and gettin me turned on to the whole bb thing and not just like doin it to do it but thinkin about it all the time and being really really in to it"

So at first you were shy about taking a poz load, but now you're not? How did that change for you?

"it changed i guess cuz i met this dude and we would fuck around then me and him were online one nite lookin for other guys to come over to his place to fuck around with us and 1 of em we were chattin with was poz. but reaaaaaaally fukkin cute. super cute lol. my friend really wanted him over but i was a bit sketched out but ended up agreein just cuz the guy was so fukkin hot so we had him come over. n i pretty much just was only gonna top him is all i agreed to do. i thought we were both just gonna top him actualy cuz he was a vers bttm anyways. i didnt even really do nothin cept for oral at first also, but my friend fucked the dude and he fucked him bb. and so i ended up just kinda goin along and fucked him bb too. we all chiled for like 5 or 6 hours lol cuz we were just hangin and we'd fuck and hang more and watched a movie even and even went out to get food. and after we got back from gettin food we all started messin around again and my friend totally sat on the guys dick bb which kinda surprised me but didnt bother me. so i watched this dude fuck my friend and it was a turn on seein how in to it they were. the dude ended up nutting in my friend and i fucked him once more after that and i let my friend fuck me, but still didnt let that dude fuck me.

so after that me and my friend were on aim talkin and i was askin him why he let that guy fuck him and he said because he was super cute so he wanted him to fuck him and cum in him and he didnt care that he was poz. which sorta got us all talkin about the poz thing and other poz guys we knew or guys we know that we heard might be. and he just kept talkin about it and the more we chatted about it the more it turned me on thinkin about it. so we ended up meetin up with that kid again and he did fuck me and nut in me. i was still a lil freaked tho but again just chattin with my bud after just kept makin me more turned on. so we did it again with a different guy. lol.

and then actually i met even another guy online who kept talkin about it. at first we just talked about bb and how hot it was. and met up and he fucked me. and he kept talkin about how hot i was and how he wanted to see other guys fuck me. which i said was ok and i was up for that. and he kept askin what kind of guys i wanted to fuck me and asked if i was ok with any being poz. and i said it depended on the guy. which he thought was really hot that id let a poz guy fuck me if he was hot enough. and he kept bringin that up sayin he wanted to do it and eventualy he told me he was poz and it ended up just turnin me on more lol. so i guess thats how it changed haha"

Did you ever end up letting the poz guy have his friends fuck you while he watched?

"ya i did. the first time he just had 1 friend over and then 1 more time after that he had that same dude plus 1 other guy over

actually im sposed to meet him friday also to do it agian lol"

What would be your ultimate fantasy?

"to be gangbanged by a buncha guys like as much as 20 or 30 lol all of em cummin in me. theyd all be hot and some would be poz but i wouldnt know which ones were and which ones werent"

I've also had that fantasy :-) If and when you test poz, how do you think that will change your life, both sexually and elsewise?

"ya its a hot fantasy lol. i duno really. i mean i know a buncha poz guys already so i figure that i can still meet guys easy n date em n shit like that. i mean i know there will be some differences of course and i see online guys that r pretty hardcore about only bein with neg guys n shit. then of course theres health stuff. but i think itll really mean i can do a lot more sexually n just do what i wanna do and be all crazy n shit haha"6604046120611392664-7844201297581658801?l=toxictwinks.blogspot.com


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