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[Toxic Twinks] Rethinking Chasing


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Some people have recently questioned my earlier stance that I am not a chaser. It has prompted me to rethink my earlier my earlier position. It is not that I am or was wrong in that post, because at the time I wrote what I was honestly feeling and believing. I said from the beginning that through writing this blog I would find an understanding of my sexuality and knew that it would be a progressive thing. I also said there seems to be an evolution towards chasing that people take. I still haven't talked to anyone who just made the decision that they wanted to become poz out of the blue. I think my activities and writings over the past few months have slowly shown both of these progressions.

First off, I'm learning that defining who a chaser is isn't black and white. Earlier, I tried to define it as an HIV negative person actively seeking to become poz. I still personally don't care about what my status is. I'm not actively seeking to become poz, but I'm neither actively trying to stay neg. If it turns out I'm one of those rare few who have an immunity to it, I won't be disappointed. If I test poz I obviously won't be surprised. However, the definition of chasing could be broadened to include anyone actively seeking out poz partners, regardless of intent, which I have been doing lately. When I started this blog, I didn't care about my status or my partner's status. The thrill just came from taking loads, being a slut, and feeling liberated that I could take any load. There has been a heightened progression towards partaking in riskier activities, which obviously includes seeking out poz loads for the thrill of it.

Please comment on what your definition of a chaser is and if you consider yourself to be one.6604046120611392664-1591510177110542529?l=toxictwinks.blogspot.com


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