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[Billy Twee] Where Have All the Chad Douglases Gone?


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Where have all the Chad Douglases gone? That isn't my line...Somebody else used that language on the Treasure Island website's open forum (I think), lamenting the lack of decent dick in his life. The writer must have been a bottom of a certain age to recall maybe the greatest stud in the old Falcon Studios stable, maybe the greatest top in porn history, and I'd commiserate with that sentiment entirely, based on how things have been going for me, lately.

Guys, it's been a while since I last posted. I haven't posted because my sex life of late has been substantially less than fabulous. Until last Monday, that is. Most of my fucks over the past couple of weeks have been sheathed, rubbered, and pretty ordinary, so there was no point in boring the pants off of you all with renditions of how ordinary the sex has been. If it wasn't ordinary, then it was comical, like the fucking I got from the guy whose equipment was about the size of a wine bottle cork. Corky actually did cum up my ass and I did manage to squeeze the last drop of cum out of that dick, but somehow I sense nobody wants a blow by blow detail of that deposit. Corky was one of two or three bareback fucks; all the rest were protected, so-called safe sex encounters and not in the spirit of this blog.

Some of you know that I work from my home which makes hosting during the daytime quite possible. I go straight to barebackrt and post and just check periodically while I go about my professional business life. I post for only an hour or so, sometimes renewing the post, because I have found that posting for a period of 4 to 6hours encourages a lot of idiotic chatter from people who have no intention of fucking at all. So when a buddy sends you a message that reads, 'I'll be there in an hour,' you know it's for real.

And he was for real. A slender young/old, old/young (he admitted to being 50) dad with a long, slender tool that plumbed my assline for a good 10 minutes before depositing a nice poz load in that ole cumbucket. Then he simply lay on my back, with his dick fully immersed in a buttcanal swimming with toxic juice, while I did my best to massage his pozbone with my well-trained buttmuscles, all the while he was whispering nasty poz talk into my ear, and I talked right back with some toilet talk of my own. It could have been Chad Douglas for all I cared, but it was better than Chad because Chad is dead and I'll blog about him tomorrow maybe. But for now, Chad Douglas is a Monday day fuck, and one I hope turns into a regular. So remember there are lots of Chad Douglases out there...they just all don't look like Chad Douglas. But give them a chance, it could be better than you think.3922053678647687689-6928756397633429613?l=billytwee.blogspot.com


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